Application for issue of Parking Area Certificate (To be issues by any gazette Officer/ Police Officer/ Revenue Authority of the area) I, Shri/Smti. ....................(S/o,W/o,D/o) the recorded tenant of the land bearing survey no. ........... Area ........................ In the village ............................ Out of the above area ...........Sq. Mtrs space is earmark and available vacant for parking of the vehicle (Omni/ Jeep/ Autorickshaw/ Truck/ Tata Sumo .........) No. .............. Owned by Shri/Smti..............(S/o,W/o and D/o) .....................R/o .................... for which I have no objection. It is assured that the space meant for this vehicle will not be utilized for any other vehicle/ purposes. Signature of the recorded tenant I .................. , (S/o, W/o, D/o) ................., R/o .............. working as ..................... (Designation) do hereby certify that the space has been physically inspected by me and I do hereby verify that the information furnished above is true. Signature Name of the Officer with Seal