Application for grant of incentives to IT Industries To The Secretary to Government Information Technology and Communications Department Government of Andhra Pradesh D Block, 3rd Floor, AP Secretariat Hyderabad-500022 I. Details of IT Company: 1. Name of the IT Company: 2. Name of the Managing Director: 3. Name(s) of the Director(s): i.. ii.. iii.. iv.. II. Address of Applicant: Address: Contact Person: Email: Mobile: Telephone: III. Nature and activities: a. Constitution of the Organisation(Pl. .mark): Proprietary Partnership Pvt., Ltd., Ltd., Co. b. Activity (Pl. .mark): Line of Activity IT IT Enabled Services IT/Electronic Hardware IT Infrastructure Telecom Training Institution Present Proposed Fill in all columns for avoiding rejection. Existing Status: c. d. Date of incorporation of the Company/Firm ........ Enclose Memorandum and Articles of Association Investment Made: i) Plant & Machinery: Rs. ............ ii) Land & Buildings: Rs............. iii) Total: Rs. ............ e. Date of commencement of commercial operations: / / f. Performance last three years: (Rs. in crores) for eg: 1= 1 crore (Rs 10 Million) Year Export turnover Domestic turnover Total turnover* Provide Annual Reports g. Total number of Employees employed at present: IV. Incentives applied for (Pl. .mark): 1. 25% Power Subsidy 2. Conversion to Industrial Power Tariff 3. Recruitment Assistance 4. ULC Exemption for private IT Park 5. Exemption from Zoning/ IT Park 6. 100% Stamp duty Refund 7. Rebate on Land Cost 8. 20%Quality Certification Refund 9. Patent Filing Cost Refund 10. 50% Exhibition Rental Refund 11. Incentive for Training Institution 12. Tier-II city anchor company incent ive Check eligibility before applying All columns need to be filled to avoid rejection a. Service connection(s) No(s): b. Name as mentioned on the Bill Enclose copy of the latest ELECTRICITY BILL 3. Recruitment Assistance: Sl. No. Number of employees Hyderabad (Rs.10 Lakhs) Number of employees Tier-II (Rs.15 Lakhs) IT/ Hardware ITES T O T A L Enclose certificate from your Auditor firm confirming the Number of employees and line of activity and Declaring as IT Park 1. Extent of Land Acres 2. Location Survey No/ Address 3. Number of Owners 4. Proposed Built up area Plinth Area in sq. ft. 5. Project size in Rs. 6. Expected Date of Completion: Enclose copies of the Sale Deed, Layout Plan, Building Elevation, MoU/GPA-3 sets 6. 100% Reimbursement in Registration Fee, Stamp Duty and Transfer of Property Duty: 1. Name and Location of the IT Park: ................. 2. Extent of Built up space:.......(sq. ft.) 3. Extent of Land in (acre):...... 4. Nature of transaction (sale or lease): ............... 5. Date of registration: ........................ 6. Total Cost: .......................... Enclose copies of the sale/lease deed and the payment challans 7. Rebate on cost of land: Why is land required? How does it enhance your business? Proposed Activities Proposed Number of Employees Proposed Investment Extent of land required : Proposed Built up area (in sq. ft.): Proposed Start Date: Proposed Completion Date: Source of funding : Company should be in the proposed line of activity for a period of five years from the date of completion of the building for not attracting penal interests and revoking of the land. 8. Reimbursement of Expenditure for Quality Certification: 1. Name of Certification 2. Level achieved 3. Name of the Consulting Firm assessing 5. TOTAL Expenditure 6.Did you receive this reimbursement earlier? Yes No Enclose copies of the bills of the assessing consultants only. 9. Reimbursement of Patent Filing Cost: 1. Cost of filing Patent 2. Date of receiving the Patent 3. Earlier patents received Enclose the proof of cost and copy of the letter/certificate-awarding patent 10. 50% Reimbursement of Exhibition Stall Rentals: 2. Cost of Stall Rental for 9 sq Mts 3. Dates of Participation Enclose copies of the invoice and receipts. 11. Training Incentive for Training Institutions: 1. Number of students trained in the center during the year & location. 2. Number of candidates placed. 3. Names of the ITES Companies placed with. Enclose letters from the ITES Companies 12. Tier-II city anchor company incentive: Sl. No. Tier-II Location No. of Employees IT/ Hardware ITES T O T A L Any other relevant information/comments/remarks: ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ...................................... ........................................ DECLARATION We hereby declare that the particulars as given in the application are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief Place: Date: Signature: Name of the Authorized signatory: Designation: