FORM III (See Rule 9(1) Application for the grant of licence to manufacture insecticides 1. I/We........ of ....... hereby apply for the grant of a licence to manufacture on the premises situated at .......... the under mentioned insecticides. Name of insecticides (each insecticide to be separately specified) 2. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert staff actually connected with the manufacture and testing of the specified products in the manufacturing premises ......... 3. I /We enclose: (a) A true copy of a letter from me/us to the manufacturing concern whose manufacturing capacity is intended to be utilized by me/us. (b) A true copy of a letter from the manufacturing concern and premises to lend the services of their expert staff, equipment and premises for the manufacture of each insecticide required by me/us and that they will anlayse every batch of finished products and reports of anlaysis separately in this behalf. (c) Specimens of tables, cartons of the products to be manufactured. 4. A fee or rupees ------------------------------has been credited to the Government under the head of account -------------------------------------------------- Date---------------------------------------Signature---------------------------