STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING ANDHRA PRADESH : : HYDERABAD Sl.No. APPLICATION FORM FOR RECOGNITION OF COMPUTER ORGANISATIONS 1. NAME OF THE ORGANISATION/INSTITUTE: (FULL ADDRESS) 2. NAME OF THE HEAD OF THE ORGANISATION/ INSTITUTION WITH QUALIFICATION a) General b) Technical 3. DATE OF ESTABLISHING THE INSTITUTE / ORGANISATION AND NUMBER OR BRANCHES: 4. WORKING HOURS OF THE INSTITUTE AND WEEKLY HOLIDAYS DECLARED 5. EXACT LOCATION OF THE ORGANISATION (enclose route map to reach the organisation) 6. PLAN OF THE BUILDING WITH DIMENSIONS (PLEASE ENCLOSE COPY) 7. COURSES WHICH THE ORGANISATION DESIRES TO OFFER FOR WHICH AFFILLIATION IS REQUIRED (CHOOSE FROM LIST OF 18 COURSES ENCLOSED) a) b) c) d) 8. WHETHER PREVIOUSLY RECOGNISED? (Applicable only to type writing Institute already recognised by the Department (If so, enclose true copies of the latest recognition order) 9. NUMBER OF COMPUTER/PRINTERS IN WORKING CONDITION THE MAKE AND OTHER DETAILS OF THE COMPUTER SHOULD BE FURNISHED IN DETAIL (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET, IF NECESSARY). Sl.No. Make and No. of Remarks Computer / Printer (1) (2) ( 3) 1. 2. 3. 10. Particulars of teaching staff including Principal / Lecturers with Designation and Qualification. S.No. Name Designation Qualifications 1. 2. 3. 11. WHETHER WILLING TO SPARE COMPUTER FACILITIES FOR EXAMINATION 12. NATURE OF COURSES OFFERED IF ANY AT PRESENT 13. PRESENT STRENGTH OF CANDIDATES COURSE WISE : 1. 2. 3. 14. DETAILS OF THE SOFTWARE AVAILABLE : 15. DETAILS OF D.D.ENCLOSED: D.D.NO. DATE: AMOUNT: UNDERTAKING TO BE SIGNED BY THE HEAD OF ORGANISATION/INSTITUTIONS 1. I declare that the particulars mentioned in the application form are correct. 2. I declare that my Institute is open to students of all communities irrespective of cast and creed. 3. I promise that i will adhere strictly and follow all the rules and regulation for recognition laid down by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time. STATION: SIGNATURE DATE: (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) SEAL OF THE ORGANISATION