MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT OF DISTRICT District : Population of the District : Reporting for the month : Item No. Services No. of persons who requireservices from 1st April to reporting month Achievement during themonth Cumulative Achmt. uptothe reporting month 1 2 3 4 5 1. No.of villages level ANC/Immunisation clinics 2. a)Ante-Natal cases registered(Total) b)Ante-Natal cases registered less than 12 weeks c)Total No. of high risk pregnant women referred d)Total No. of high risk pregnant women treated 3. a)No. of pregnant women who had 3 check -ups b)No. of pregnant women counselled for nutrition c)No. of pregnant women given 2 doses of T.T. d)No. of pregnant women given 100 IFA tablets e)No.of pregnant women given treatment for anaemia. 4. Total No. of deliveries(usual residents+ visitors)(a+b+c+d+e+f+g) a) Home deliveries by MPHAs(F) b)Home deliveries by trained birth attendant ItemNo. Services 1. 2. c) Home deliveries by others d) Deliveries at Sub-centre e) Deliveries at PHCs f) Deliveries at other Govt. Hospitals g) Deliveries at private clinics 5. a) No. of MPTs followed up b)No.of MTPs conducted c) No.of women who had 3 post-natal check_ ups d) No. of RTI/STI cases treated/referred among women 6. Maternal Deaths a)During pregnancy b)During Delivery c)With in 6 weeks of delivery 7. a) No. of live births(total)(i+ii+iii) i)Parity - 1 ii)Parity - 2 iii) Parity - 3 and above b) No. of still births 8. a) No. of high risk new born reffered b)No. of high risk new born treated c)No. of parents counselled for low birth weight babies. who require during the services from month from 1st April to reporting month 4. 5. No.of persons Achievement Achmt. upto the reporting month5.Cumulative ItemNo. Service No.of persons who require service from 1st April to reporting month Achievementduring the month Cumulative achmt.uptothe reporting month 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. Children give immunisation (below 1 year) a) BCG b) DPT1 c) DPT2 d) DPT3 e) OPV0 f) OPV1 g) OPV2 h) OPV3 i) Measles j) Full Immunisation. 10. Children immunised a) DPT Booster (more than 18 months) b) OPV Booster (more than 18 months) c) DT (more than 5 years) d) TT (more than 10 years) 11. e) TT( more than 16 years)Vitamin' A' administration( 9 months to 3 years) a) initiated b) Continued c) 5 doses completed. ItemNo. Service No.of persons who require service from 1st April to reporting month Achievementduring the month Cumulative achmt.uptothe reporting month 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. Childhood diseases a) Measles cases treated/referred (below 1 year) b) A.R.I cases treated/referred (below 5 years) c) Diarrhoea cases treated/referred (below 5 years) 13. Child Deaths (total) (a+b+c+d) a) within 1 week b) 1 week to 1 month c) 1 month to 1 year d) 1 year to 5 year 14. a) Number of marriages b) Marriages where age of wife is less than 18 years 15. a) No.Sterlisations(b+c) b) No.of Male sterlisations c) No.of female sterlisations d) No.of sterlisations with 2 or less than 2 children 16. a) IUD insertions b) Oral pills distributed c) Nirodh pieces distributed Item No. Service who require service from 1st April to reporting month No. of person during the month s Achievements Achmt.uptothe reporting monthCumulative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 17. Number of details recorded 18. a) No.of maternal cases referred to FRUs b) No.of maternal cases treated at FRUs c) No.of children referred to FRUs d) No.of children treated at FRUs 19. a) Sessions with panchayats/Mahila Aarogya sanghams/DWACRA/Mother's committees b) Combines sessions & meetings with AWWs SIGNATURE OF DISTRICT MEDICAL & HEALTH OFFICER