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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application format for National Quality Monitor

Download forms for state: Arunachal Pradesh
Form Details
StateArunachal Pradesh
DepartmentRural development and panchayati raj
TitleApplication format for National Quality Monitor
Document Size83.6 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Format of CV for Empanelment as National Quality Monitor 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Contact Nos: (a) Office Phone: (b) Residence Phone: (c) Mobile: (d) E-mail Id: 4. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): (Please attach copy of a recognized certificate as proof of date of birth) 5. Date of Retirement from Government Service (dd/mm/yyyy): (Please attach copy of relevant orders regarding pensionery benefits) 6. Post from which retired: 7. Qualifications: 8. Employment Record: 9. Other Details, if any (Membership of professional bodies, authorship of technical papers, consultancies, etc.): S. No. Year of Passing Degree Institution/ University Discipline Remarks (if any) Duration From Date To Date Post Held Name of Organization/ Department Details of Experience (Elaborate Experience regarding Construction/ Management of Road Assets) Declaration: I hereby declare that: 1. the information furnished above is correct. 2. the undersigned is interested to work as National Quality Monitor for PMGSY for the Year _______ and 3. This is to certify that upon superannuation, no disciplinary proceedings/ cases and/ or vigilance cases and / or criminal cases were pending. 4. This is to certify that no criminal cases/ vigilance cases are pending. 5. the undersigned may be assigned the duty to monitor the quality of PMGSY works in accordance with the guidelines of NRRDA in any State. Signature of the Candidate Name of the Candidate Date Guidelines for Furnishing Information in the Format of CV 1. Items No. 1 to 6 are self explanatory. Information should be filled in capital letters. 2. In Item No. 7, the details of qualifications for graduation and above level should be mentioned. The clear mention about the discipline i.e. Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Mining Engineering etc. should be made. 3. Under Item No. 8, the details of experience on every post/ organization/ duration should be furnished in the given format. The details of the experience for the duration of at least 15 years before retirement should compulsorily be furnished. In case, the candidate has not retired recently, the details of experience of all the years after retirement till the date of application for engagement as NQM should be furnished in addition to the experience for the specified duration before retirement. While giving the details of experience the care should be taken to indicate the type of work/duty and location etc. 4. Presently, the evidence pertaining to the information supplied above has not been asked, however, in case of any doubts, the evidence about the information in item no. 4, 5, 7 and 8 may be asked for.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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