GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL ITANAGAR. FORM-XVI FORM OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON PRIVATE SECRETAIRES ARUNACHAL PRADESH ADMINISTRATION ANNUAL CONFIDENTIAL REPORT FOR (To be filled in by the Officer being reported upon) 01. Name (in block letters) :- 02. Date of birth :- 03. Designation of post and name of :-service. 04. Present post, date of appointment :-to it and its location. 05. Educational qualification :- 06. Prescribed speed test passed in :- (a) Stenography (b) Typing PART-II (To any of the items mentioned below do not apply the reporting officer should mention this fact against the relevant item) 07. State of Health :- 08. Regularity & Punctuality in :- attendance. 09. Intelligence, Keenness & Industrious :- 10. Proficiency & accuracy in stenogra- :- phic work. 11. Trustworthiness in handling secrets :-& top secrets matters & papers. 12. Maintenance of engagement diary :-timely submission of necessary papers for meeting interviews etc. 13. General assistance in ensuing that :-matters requiring attention are not lost sight of. 14. Initiate & fact in dealing with :-telephone calls & visitors. 15. Fitness for promotion to higher :-grade(s) in his own turn. (a) (i) Fit :- (ii) Not yet fit :- (iii) Unfit :- (b) Has the officer any special :-characteristics and or any outstanding merits or abilities which would justify his advancement and special selection for higher appointment out of turn ? If so, please be mentioned those characteristics briefly. (c) Recommendation regarding :-suitability for other spares of works 16. Has he been reprimanded for :-indifferent work of for other causes during the period under report, if so, give brief particulars. 17. Remarks as in defects in character :-under leave etc. which may mutilate against efficiency & suitability. 18. Attitude of the officer towards the scheduled castes & scheduled tribes. (a) Very good :- (b) Reasonable approach :- (c) Average approach :- (d) Does not have the ability to :- deal them properly 19. INTEGRITY. (a) Whether there is any vigilance or :- departmental case or enquiry. (b) Whether any inquiry is proposed :- to be instituted (c) Final outcome as above. 20. General assessment of personality :-character & temperament including relation with fellow employees, amendability to discipline etc. Signature.............. Name ............... Designation...........