ARUNACHAL PRADESH FORM-XII FORM OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON UNDER SECRETARY/________________ Ministry /Department/Office of______________________________________________ Report for the year/period ending_____________________________________________ PART-I/PERSONAL DATA (To be filled by the Administrative section concerned of the Ministry/Department/Office) 1. Name of Officer :- 2. Date of birth :- 3. Date of continuous appointment to the present grade viz. :- 4. Present post and date of appointment there to :- 5. Period of absence from duty on leave, :-training etc. during the year. PART-II Brief resume of the work done by the Officer reported upon during the period from_____________________________________________________ bringing out any special achievement of his during the period (to be filled by the Officer reported upon). Note :- The resume should not exceed three hundred works. PART-III-ASSESSMENT BY REPORTING OFFICER 6. Do you agree with the resume of work as indicated : by the officer in Part-II of the report and in particular regarding the special achievement, if any mentioned by the officer. If not, indicate briefly the reasons for disagreeing with attend the extent of your disagree- ment. 7. State of Health : Note :- The assessment under columns 8 to 17 below should not be indicated by tick marking but should be expressed clearly in suitable words. 8. Temperament :- (a) Is he calm and does he retain poise : at times of pressure of work ? (b) Does he get provoked easily ? : (c) Is he able to tolerate differences of opinion ? : 9. Knowledge of Rules, Codes, Manuals, Instructions & Procedures :- (a) Has an exceptionally good grasp of the work of : the office as a whole and the rules, codes, manuals generally and a thorough and intensive knowledge of the work of the Branch. (b) Has a sound knowledge both of the Branch : and that of the Office as a whole. (c) Just enough : (d) Net good enough : 10. (i) Quality of work :- (a) Attention to detail : (b) Most reliable and comprehensive : (c) Considers all relevant details : (d) Apt to be over-concerned with petty details and leases perspective (e) Inclined to be superficial : (ii) Judgment :- (a) His proposals or decisions are consistently : should and well thought of. (b) Reliable : (c) Takes a reasonable view : (d) Un-reliable, undecided, rigid, superficial or : erratic. (iii) Presentation of cases :- (a) Extremely clear, cogent and logical : (b) Very good and expresses himself clearly : and logical. (c) Just good enough : (d) Does not have ability to present case properly : (iv) Ability in Noting and drafting :- (a) Excellent : (b) Very good : (c) Good : (d) Average : (e) Poor : (v) Promptness in disposal of work :- (a) Very prompt : (b) Reasonably prompt : (c) Is slow and tends to delay : 11. Ability to analyse facts, propose alternatives and visualise consequences and repercussions to help decision and policy making. (a) Excellent : (b) Very good : (c) Average : (d) Good : (e) Poor : 12. Ability in discussion and conversation :- (a) Very effective and convincing : (b) Good and puts across his points clearly : (c) Expresses adequately : (d) Poor : 13. Quality of supervision :- (a) Very through and of a high order : (b) Good & useful : (c) Average & routine : (d) Poor : 14. Initiative and drive :- (a) Excellent : (b) In good measure : (c) Adequate : (d) Lacking : 15. Readiness to assume responsibility :- (a) Promptly comes forward and accepts : responsibility (b) Accepts responsibility, if it comes : (c) Tends to evade : (d) Passes responsibility to others : 16. Control and management of staff :- (I) Ability to inspire confidence & to get the best out of the staff :- (a) Gets the best from them : (b) Gets along well : (c) Just manages : (d) Inadequate : (II) Capacity to train, help and advise the staff and ability to handle his subordinates. (a) Excellent : (b) Very good : (c) Good : (d) Average : 17. Relationship with colleagues :- (a) Wins and retains the highest regard of all : (b) Is generally liked & respected : (c) A difficult colleague : 18. Attitude of the officer towards the Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribe : (a) Very good : (b) Reasonable approach : (c) Average : (d) Does not have the ability to deal them properly : 19. Other observations :- This space may be utilized for remarks which complete, corroborate of supplement what has been indicated above. This should not, however, be used for merely repeating in vague terms what has a already been stated. Specific points such as special accomplishments during the period under report and any other aspects not covered in the proforma given above which the Reporting Officer considers specially worth mentioning, May also be indicated here. 20. Integrity :- (a) Whether there is any vigilance or departmental : case or inquiry. (b) Whether any inquiry is proposed to be instituted : (c) Final outcome of (a) above. Signature of Reporting Officer Name in Block Letter________________________ Designation________________________________ Date______________ PART-IV. REMARKS OF THE REVIEWING OFFICER 21. Length of service under the Reviewing Officer : 22. Do you agree with the Reporting Officer in regard : to his remarks on the resume of the work done by the Officer as contained in Part-II of the Report? If not, indicate briefly the reasons for disagreeing with the Reporting Officer and the extent of your disagreement. 23. Overall assessment of performance & qualities : 24. (a) Fitness for promotion :- (i) Fit : (ii)Not yet fit : (b) Has the officer any special characteristics and /or any outstanding merits or abilities which would justify his advancement & special selection for higher appointment out of term ? If so, mention these characteristic briefly and indicate why you consider him fit for out of term promotion. Signature of Reviewing Officer Name in Block Letter________________________ Designation________________________________ Date______________ PART-V. Countersignature by the next higher officer with remarks, if any Signature of Countersigning Officer Name in Block Letter________________________ Designation________________________________ Date______________