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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Proposal for Establishment of Prawn Seed Hatchery (Form-IV)

Download forms for state: Arunachal Pradesh
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StateArunachal Pradesh
TitleProposal for Establishment of Prawn Seed Hatchery (Form-IV)
Document Size425.8 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Particulars sought from the applicant Information furnished by the applicant Address for communication Details of land where aquaculture activity the land title document a) State b) District c) Taluk/Mandal d) Revenue Village e) Survey Number(s) f) Ownership g) If on lease, duration of lease h) Total land area in which the hatchery would be set up (in ha) SL No. (1) (2) (3) 1.0 2.0 3.0 Name and address of the applicant/ firm/ association/ Self Help Group (IN BLOCK LETTERS) ( telephone/ mobile number) is proposed to be taken up: Enclose copy of (whether freehold or on lease) Application for Submission of Proposal for Financial Assistance from National Fisheries Development Board FORM-IV Proposal for Establishment of Prawn Seed Hatchery Published on National Portal of India (india.gov.in) Details of the proposed hatchery Enclose detailed project report showing the following details 4.0 a)Type of hatchery b) Numbers and size of hatching tanks h)Source of water g)Additional Facilities, if any f) Production cycles proposed to be taken per year c) Prawn species i) Source of brood stock Fisheries Institute/ Colleges of Fisheries) Department of Fisheries/ ICAR engineering works to be certified by the j)Details of the proposed construction works of the hatchery.(Design details/ d) Production capacity PL/Year (in millions) Details of the Bank for providing loan for construction and working capital money towards non-subsidy portion of funds 5.0 6.0 Yes NoWhether assistance for this purpose has been sought under any other scheme of the Central/ State Government? If so, please provide the details Whether the applicant is in default of payment to any Financial Institution/ Government. If yes, please provide the details and the reasons for default 7.0 No Yes Published on National Portal of India (india.gov.in) Details regarding economics of operation9.0 10.0 Expected date of operation of the hatchery and tentative schedule of activities such as distribution and marketing of seed and transport arrangements,etc. 11.0 radius of 100kms of the proposed hatchery and their production capacities Number of hatcheries set up within a Marketing tie up12.0 monthsyearsExperience of the applicant in operation of hatcheries and details of trainings undergone so far 8.0 13.0 Source and number of workers employed for construction as well as day-today hatchery operations Declaration by the Applicant I/ son/ daughter/ wife of hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I am/we are fully aware that if it is found that the information furnished in the application is false or there is any kind of deviation/violation of the conditions under which assistance is provided to me by the NFDB, any action as deemed fit for violation of this condition may be taken against me/us. Signature of the applicant/s Place Date Countersigned by the implementing Agency The application has been verified as per the NFDB guidelines and found correct. The farm has been inspected by the Departmental Officer/s and found feasible for establishment of parwn seed hatchery Signature and seal Place Date of the Implementing Agency as proposed in the application. Published on National Portal of India (india.gov.in) We
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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