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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Renewal of NEC Stipend and Book-grant

Download forms for state: Arunachal Pradesh
Form Details
StateArunachal Pradesh
TitleRenewal of NEC Stipend and Book-grant
Document Size21.4 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
The Director, Higher and Technical Education, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. Sub: Renewal of NEC Stipend & Book-grant Sir, With reference to the subject cited above, I beg to request kindly renew my stipend/book-grant for the period from...... To ..... Necessary information is furnished below: (i) I received an amount of Rs.....being NEC stipend and Book grant for The period from...........to .......... (ii) I am not in receipt of financial assistance from any other source (This does not Apply to National/state Merit Scholarship). (iii) I have passed.........semister/year and I have now been promoted to .......semister/year (Attested copy of Mark-Sheet is enclosed). (iv) The original date of commencement of the course was...and the normal date of completion of the course is......This course is a one/two/three/ four/five year course (Cross whichever is not applicable). The information given here should tally with that given in the original application for stipend and book­grant failing which the application is to be rejected. (v) I have not fail/not been detained in......term semester/year. (vi) Name of nearest SBI Branch and its code number with full address in which the Demand Draft is to be drawn at SBI only : ............... ................................. (vii) All the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. If any information given here is found to be false. I undertake to refund any amount of stipend and Book-grant given to me for the period in which failed/been detained and would be liable for any other action under the law of the land. (viii) Contact No.:..... Yours faithfully, Signature and full name of the Candidate with present address PARTICULARS TO BE FILLED BY THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION (Candidate should not write anything in this section) 1. Thisis to certify that Shri/Smti/Kumari.......a student of this institution Studying...............course (Specify subject) is promoted Passed to ........(Name of the Semister/Year) and the information furnished by him/her is correct. Recommended for renewal of stipend. ( Signature ) Principal/Registrar/Dean or any other Officer authorized to certify ( with seal ) P.T.O. -2- PARTICULARS TO BE FILLED BY THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION 2. EXTENSION Shri/Smti/Kum...................is a student in this Institution and is studying.................Coursse. He/She was Admitted this course on........... The Institution/University was unable to Complete the stipulated course of study within the specified time/period due to ..... ......... Reasons. I confirm the Shri/Smti/Kum............. Has not failed/been detained in any of the examinations. Extension sought for is not due to any fault of the candidate recommended, therefore, the extension of stipend be granted upto ........ ( Signature ) Principal/Registrar/Dean or any other Officer authorized to certify (SEAL) Date: Strike out if not applicable. IMPORTANT 1. If the candidate is unsuccessful/failed during his/her course of study and is detained In the same class his/her renewal case will not be considered under any circumstan­nces. 2. Research student must submit a Progress Report from his/her Guide. 3. FOR FINAL YEAR RENEWAL, HEADS OF INSTITUTIONS ARE REQUESTED KINDY INDICATE THE DEEMED DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE COURSE. 4. All correspondence should be made with Directorate of Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. Note:-The last date of submission is 16th November 2009
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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