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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Setting-up Unit under Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme for 100% Export of Computer Software

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DepartmentInformation Technology
TitleApplication for Setting-up Unit under Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme for 100% Export of Computer Software
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GUWAHATI APPLICATION FOR SETTING-UP UNIT UNDER SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY PARK (STP)SCHEME FOR 100% EXPORT OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE (Combined Form for letter of Permission and Foreign Collaboration / Investment) APPLICATION FORM I. II. III. LOCATION OF THE STP UNIT : _______________________________________________ NAME OF THE APPLICANT UNDERTAKING :_____________________________________ ADDRESS IN FULL OF THE REGISTERED OFFICE OF APPLICANT UNDERTAKING : (With Pincode, Telephone, Fax & E-mail) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ IV. __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS IN FULL OF THE LOCATION OF THE STP UNIT (With Pincode, Telephone, Fax & E-mail) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ V. __________________________________________________________________________ WHETHER THE APPLICANT HAS STP UNIT AT OTHER LOCATIONS: (Please Tick (R) The Appropriate Box) Yes No If Yes, indicate name of the location(s): Sl. No. LOCATION NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VI. WHETHER THE PROMOTOR (S) HAVE PROMOTED ANY OTHER UNDERTAKING (S), WHICH IS (ARE) REGISTERED UNDER STP SCHEME. (Please Tick (R) The Appropriate Box) Name of STP Unit Promoted Yes No If YES, Provide following details: Name of Promoter Sl No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location VII. STATUS OF APPLICANT UNDERTAKING : (Please Tick (R) The Appropriate Box) £ Central Government Undertaking £ State Government Undertaking £ Co-operative Undertaking £ Joint Sector Undertaking £ Assisted Sector Undertaking £ Private Sector Undertaking £ Individual Promoter / Partnership VIII. BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE APPLICANT(S) : (Give details of Professional background, existing lines of business etc.) IX. TYPE OF PROPOSAL : A. Indicate whether this proposal is for (Please Tick (R) The Appropriate Box) £ Establishment of a STP Unit £ Expansion of existing STP Unit £ Conversion from other scheme to STP Unit £ Conversion from DTA to STP Unit B. If the investment is proposed to be undertaken for A (1,3 & 4) a new undertaking, indicate name of Proprietors, Partners of Board of Directors with full details of their address & occupation. X. CAPITAL STRUCTURE FOR PROPOSED COMPANY: (RS. IN LACS) (In case of companies registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956) A. PATTERN OF EQUITY SHARE HOLDING Investor Central Government Percentage State Government Promotion of Public B. EQUITY Authorised capital Subscribed capital Paid-up capital Existing Proposed C. PATTERN OF SHARE HOLDING IN THE PAID UP CAPITAL a. Foreign Holding : i. Direct participation ii. Indirect participation Existing Amount %age Proposed Amount %age iii. Total (I + II) b. Non - Resident Indian Company / Individual holding i. Repatriable ii. Non-repatriable c. Resident holding d. Total equity (a+b+c) e. Commercial borrowings External Internal f. Any other source g. Total Investment XI. PROJECTED EXPORT OVER 5 YEARS Year Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th XII. REQUIREMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS Year Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th A. B. C. D. CIF Value of imported Capital Goods including software on Direct Purchase basis CIF Value of imported Capital Goods including software on loan lease or free cost basis Total CIF Value of Capital Goods including software (A+B) Total Value of Capital Goods to be purchased indigenously XIII. IS ANY FOREIGN COLLABORATION (WHETHER FINANCIAL, TECHNICAL MARKETING OR CONSULTANCY) ENVISAGED? IF SO, GIVE FOLLOWING DETAILS: (Please Tick (R) The Appropriate Box) Yes No If yes, fill-up separate FORM FC as per the format enclosed. XIV NET FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AS PERCENTAGE OF EXPORT (NFEP) The unit shall be a net foreign exchange earner. The minimum Net Exchange earnings as percentage of export(NFEP) shall be 20% and calculated annually and cumulatively. Year (Rs. In Lacs) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total value (in US $ A. Foreign Exchange inflow B. Foreign Exchange out go on : i. CIF Value of Import of Capital Goods including software, on outright purchase basis. Note :Take 1/5th of CIF value of imported Capital Goods on direct purchase basis indicated in XII (A), over the periods ii. CIF Value of of Capital Goods including software, on lease, loans or free of cost. Note : In respect of Capital Goods imported on loan, lease or free of cost basis as indicated in XII (B), the CIF value of Capital Goods shall be included on prorata basis for the period it remains in the unit under bond. iii. TOTAL (i+ii) iv. Import of raw materials and components v. Import of spares and consumables vi. Repatriation of dividends and profits to foreign collaborators vii. Royalty viii. Lumpsum know-how free ix. Design and drawing free x. Payment on training of Indian technicians abroad xi. Payments to foreign technicians xii. Commission on export etc. xiii. Foreign travel xiv. Amount of interest to be paid on external commercial borrowing/ deferred payment credit (specify details) xv. Any other payments (specify details) xvi. Total (ii) to (xiii) C. NFEP = UA - BU X 100 A XV. EXPORT PERFORMANCE The minimum Export Performance (EP) in NFE Terms, shall be as follows: (A) US $ 0.25 Million OR (B) 5 Times CIF Value of capital Goods Imported without payment of customs duty including software , whether on loan, lease or free of cost calculated over five years as below: C. Sl. NO. A. Particulars Total CIF value of Imported capital Goods(repeat total figure given at B(iii) 1st 2nd Year 3rd 4th 5th TOTAL B. Export performance= 5 times 'A' Exports Projected (XI) XVI. STAFF PROPOSED TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Proposed TotalSl. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Type Existing Total Existing &No. Proposed a. Managerial b. Supervisory i. Technical ii. Non Technical c. Other categories, if any d. TOTAL XVII. DETAILS OF DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES (A) Area of expertise in Software Development (Please Tick( ) The Appropriate Box) System Software Development System Software Conversion Design and implementation of management information system and decision support system Production management and inventory control Project feasibility studies and project monitoring systems. Microprocessor based software Communication Software CAD/CAM/CIM/FEA Expert System Back Office/Remote Data Entry Application Re-Engineering IT Enabled Services Any other, please specify B. Item Code : Indian Trade Clarification as per harmonized System XVIII. Data Communication Requirement (Current/Projected) (Please fill up the enclosed form at Annexure-I STPI provides world wide datacom services through it's own gateways. It provides International Private Leased Circuits (IPLCs) and Internet Services to the Software Exporters. Units may contact the respective centers for detailed Information on service types and charges. XIX. Whether the applicant has been issued any Industrial License or Letter Of intent so far under 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU)/Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Scheme under Normal Industrial Licensing Scheme for domestic tariff area. If so, full particulars of each letter of Intent/Industrial License/Permission Letter issued to him with reference number, date of issue of items of manufacture and progress of implementation of each such Letter Of intent/Industrial License/Permission Letter. XX. (a) Indicate whether the applicant or the Undertaking or any of the Partner/Director of Undertaking who is a Partner/Director of another company or it's associate concerns, have been penalized/warned for violation of ITC regulation or custom regulations. (b) If answer to part (a) is in affirmative, then give details. XXI. (a) Indicate whether the applicant or the Undertaking or any of the partner / Director of another Company or its associate concern have been issued notice by the Government of India or Letter of Intent / Permission Letter. (b) Indicate whether the application or Undertaking or any of the Partner / Director of another Company or its associate concern have been issued notice by the Government of India or Latter of Intent / Permission Letter. (c) If reply to part (a) and / or (b) is in affirmative, then give details. UNDERTAKING I / We herby undertake that (i) The capital equipment (Hardware/Software) required for software development, imported by us would used for the production of computer software for 100% export in STP Scheme. (ii) The unit is amenable to bonding by customs (iii) That I / We will abide by other conditions which may be stipulated by The Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India. (iv) I / We hereby declare that that above statements are true and correct other best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/ We fully understand that any letter of Intent / Permission Letter granted to me/us on the basis of the statement furnished is liable to cancellation or being made ineffective, in addition to any other penalty that the government may impose or any other action that may be taken having regard to circumstances of the case, if it is found that any of the statements of facts therein are incorrect or false. (v) I/We hereby undertake to fulfill the Export obligation as per Exim Policy inforce. (Signature with full name) Designation............ Place.............. Full Address........... Date: Seal/Stamp of the company UFORMAT FOR THE PROJECT REPORT 1. Topic 2. Background of Promotion 3. Aim of the Project 4. Marketing Strategy 5. Development Area /Area of Expertise-Projected 6. Balanced Sheet 7. Cashflow Statement 8. MoU (If it is a company) 9. Copy of Board Resolution for the signatory UINSTRUCTIONS 1. 14 copies of Application should be submitted to the Director, Software Technology Park at designated locations along with Project Report. 2. The undertaking should be furnished by applicant along with the Application. 3. The Project Report should be submitted as per the given format. 4. The application should be submitted with Demand Draft of Rs.2,500/-drawn in favour of jurisdictional Director. 5. Each page of the form should be endorsed with signature and seal of Authorized Signatory UREQUIREMENT OF DOCUMENTS IN CASE OF: UPrivate sector Undertaking: 1. Processing fee Rs.2,500.00 in the form of CASH/DD/BC 2. Icorporation Certificate 3. Memorandum & Articles of Association 4. Project Report 5. Non Judicial Stamp Paper (Blank) for Agreement on below mentioned 6. Filled in registration form (All columns) UPartnership Firm: 1. Processing fee Rs.2,500.00 in the form of CASH/DD/BC 2. Partnership Deed 3. Registration certificate 4. Project Report 5. Non Judicial Stamp Paper(Blank) for Agreement on below mentioned denomination of Rs.50.00 and Rs.10.00 6. Filled in Registration Application form (All columns) UProprietorship firm: 1. Processing fee Rs.2500.00 in the form of CASH/DD/BC 2. Processing Report 3. Non Judicial Stamp Paper (Blank) for Agreement on below mentioned denominations of Rs.50 and Rs. 10.00 4. Filled in Registrations Application form (All columns)
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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