CHANDIGARH ADMINISTRATION AFFIDAVIT (Correction in the Birth Report) I,S/oResident ofdo hereby solemnlyAffirm and declare as under: --1. That a male /female child was born to my Mrs.w/OninChandigarh (Name of Hospital).2. That the Name of the father/motherof the Male FemaleChild wrongly been/has been Mentioned as(per nick name).3. That the Name of the father/mother mentioned asatThe hospital record is only his/her pet/nick Name.4. That the correct and full name of the father/motherof the Male FemaleChild is (are) are5. That Mrs. / known byBoth the Namesaliasin her/his family.6. That there is not person Namedin his family7. That the male/female child born onhas neither been adopted or Acquired either by Mrs.8. That the said male/female child is the real and natural born to Mrs.w/os/oPlaceDatedDEPONENTVerification: The contents of the above statement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and Nothing has been concealed therein.