P.T.T. 3. APPLICATION FOR CANCELLATION OR AMENDMENT OF REGISTRATION (See Rule 5 of the Punjab Passengers and Goods Taxation Rules, 1952) To THE ASSESSING AUTHORITY __________________ DISTRICT I/we the undersigned owner, hereby apply for the cancellation/amendment of the certificate of registration granted under sub-rule (1) of rule 4 of the Punjab Passengers and Goods Taxation Rules, 1952. 1. Registraton No. ____________________________________________________ 2. Name of the owner _________________________________________________ 3. Style of the business ________________________________________________ 4. Date from which cancellation/amendment is applied for ____________________ 5. Particulars of amendments required ____________________________________ 6. (i) Period upto which returns have been filed _________________________ (ii) Period upto which tax has been paid _____________________________ 7. Manner and details of disposal of vehicles covered by the certificate of registration, with dates (full details to be given) _________________________________________________ I declare that the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. The certificate of registration and _________________ authenticated copy/copies thereof are returned herewith. Place __________________ Signature _______________________ Date __________________ Designation _____________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Received on the ___________________________ (date) an application in Form P.T.T. 3 for cancellation/amendment of Registration Certificate No. ____________________. Receiving Officer