CHANDIGARH POLICE WE CARE FOR YOU LANDLOARD/TENANT INFORMATION (To be filled in capital letters only) 1. Landlord/Owner Information House No. ___________________________________Sector/Village ___________________________ Name of Owner________________________________Since___________Phone No.______________ Father/Husband Name_________________________________________________________________ Permanent Address___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Distt. ___________________State_______________ Police Station ______________________Phone No. _____________Occupation__________________ Whether landlord residing in the House Yes/No If yes, furnish the following information. (A) PARTICULARS OF FAMILY MEMBERS RESIDING WITH THE OWNER Sr. No. Name Age Sex Relation Occupation Voter I-Card No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (B) PARTICULARS OF VEHICLES OWNED BY LANDLOARD OR HIS/HER FAMILY MEMBERS Sr. No. Registration No. Registered owner Type Make Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (C) WEPON DETAILS Sr. No. Type/Make of Weapon Bore Valid Up to License No, Name of License Holder Issue authority 1. 2. 3. (D) PASSPORT DETAIL Sr. No. Passport No. Name of Passport Holder Date of Issue Issuing Authority Nationality 1. 2. 3. Having any servant or not ________________________________(if yes, fill up Servant information form also) Having tenants _________________________________(if yes, fill up Tenant information form also) Certified that the information given above is correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Name_______________________________Signature______________________Date_____________ FOR KIND ATTENTION OF THE RESIDENTS OF CITY BEAUTIFUL This form is being used by the Chandigarh Police to collect information from the residents of Chandigarh to help/check crimes and it is mandatory to furnish this information u/s 144 Cr.P.C. by order of district Magistrate Chandigarh and withholding the same is an offence u/s 188 Cr.P.C. For any clarification contact your respective Police Station. In case of any changes/addition, please inform in respective Police Station. __________________________________________________________________________________ FOR USE OF POLICE STATION Received on ___________________________________________ PS Dairy No. __________________________________________ Authorized Signatory Name _______________________________________________ Rank ________________________________________________ No. _________________________________________________ STATEMENT REGARDING TENANTS, FLOOR -1 Address_________________________________ Tenants Name______________________ S/o, D/o, W/o ____________________________ Tenants since_______________________ Occupation_______________________________ Tel. No.___________________________ Vehicle No.______________________________ Licensed Weapon (detail)_____________ Originally from (permanent address), R/o Vill.__________________________________________ Police Station_____________________________Distt.________________State_______________ Both husband wife serving Yes/No. Husband Wife Place of work_____________________________________________________________________ Time of day/Night house in unoccupied__________________________________________ PRTICULARS OF MAIL FAMILY MEMBER'S Sr. No. Name Age Sex Relation Occupation STATEMENT REGARDING TENANTS, FLOOR -2 Address_________________________________ Tenants Name______________________ S/o, D/o, W/o ____________________________ Tenants since_______________________ Occupation_______________________________ Tel. No.___________________________ Vehicle No.______________________________ Licensed Weapon (detail)_____________ Originally from (permanent address), R/o Vill.__________________________________________ Police Station_____________________________Distt.________________State_______________ Both husband wife serving Yes/No. Husband Wife Place of work_____________________________________________________________________ Time of day/Night house in unoccupied__________________________________________ PRTICULARS OF MAIL FAMILY MEMBER'S Sr. No. Name Age Sex Relation Occupation