BEAT DATA FORM-1 STATEMENT REGARDING OWNER/TENANT OF RESIDENTIAL AREA (Attach seprate sheet whereever necessary) 1. Address:- H.No. _________________________ Sector/Village________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Owner/Tenant/Official_________________________________ Since __________________________ 3. Name ____________________________________ s/o, w/o, d/o_______________________________ 4. Permanent Address ___________________________________________________________________ Disst.____________________________ State _____________________ Police Station_____________ 5. Occupation (in detail) _________________________________________________________________ 6. Telephone/Fax No. Residence _______________________________ Office______________________ 7. No of two wheelers owned ________________________ No. of four Wheeler owned ______________ No. Reg.No. In the Name of Type Make Model Eng. No. Ch. No. 9. Weapon Detail: Type/make __________________________ Bore ______________________________ Licence No. ____________________ Issued By ____________________ Valid upto_______________ 10. Passport details Total No. ___________________ No. Passport Name Nationality Issued By Date of Issue If Foreigner No F.R.O No. 12. Particulars of family members residing:- No. Name Age Sex Relation Occupation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14. Time of the days, the house is unoccupied _________________________________________________ Note: 1. Attach seprarate sheets, if required Information updated On _______by__________ 2. In case of any change/addition, __________ __________ please report in respective Police Station __________ __________ Certified that the information given above is correct to my knowledge and belef and that noting has been concealed. Name____________________________ Signature _____________________ Date_________________ .................................................................................................................................................................. For the kind attention of people of Chandigarh This form is being used by the Chandigarh Police to collect informationfrom the residents of Chandigarh to help check thefts/crimes/burglaries and to help police take quick action in case of an accident or mishappenning in your area. it is mandatory to furnish information U/s 144 Cr.P.C by order of D.M. Chandigarh and withholding the same is a cognizable offence U/s 188 IPC. For any clariification ring 74100 ext. 393 or your nearest Police Station.