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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Duplicate of a Public Service Vehicle Authorisation Badge

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleApplication for Duplicate of a Public Service Vehicle Authorisation Badge
Document Size5.4 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM D.T.V.B. [See rule 24 (3 )] Application for duplicate of a Public Service Vehicle ( Stage Carriage or Contract Carriage ) Authorisation badge To The Licensing Authority ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ( name in full ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------­of (permanent address ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------­hereby report that the original Cab/Bus * Badge No. ---------------------------------------­is lost /destroyed in the following circumstances :­( to be filled in ) ( 2 ) I hold motor driving licence No. ----------------------------------------issued by the Licensing Authority --------------------------------------------------------------which is valid upto -----------------------------­ (3) I hereby apply for duplicate Cab/ Bus badge and tender rupees ten by cash/money order/cheque/challan. (4) I further declare that my motor driving licence has not been suspended, or revoked and has not ceased to be valid by efflux of time. Dated ---------------------- Signature or thumb impression of the badge holder *Strike out whichever is not applicable. Please pay the cost of this form at the concerned RTO Rs 5.00 Printed from www.goatransport.Com
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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