FORM TR. P. A [See Rule 91 ( 1), 92 ( 2 ) ] Application for Transfer of permit Name of the applicant ( in full ) ----------------------------------------------------------------Address -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Mark ( s ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------Serial number of permit ---------------------------------------issued by -----------------------------------------------------------------------------and valid upto --------------------------Details of countersignature, if any ------------------------------------------------------------- Name of the present holder ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART I I, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------apply for transfer ( Name of Transferee) of the above mentioned permit from -------------------------------------------------------( Name of Transferor ) We hereby declare that the price agreed to be paid for each vehicle is state below :-We hereby declare that the following agreement is made for transfer of the permit. The transfer is proposed to be effective from ------------------------------------------------ Signature or thumb impression: 1.Transferee 2. Transferor Dated ------------------------- State, details of agreement made,if any,such as any amount paid or goodwill,etc. P.T.O OR PART - II I, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------apply for Transfer of the above mentioned permit which was held by Shri ------------- who died on ---------------------------------------------------------------at --------------------( Death Certificate attached ). My relation to the demised holder is of ------------------------------------------------------- the said vehicle is in my possession. I hereby declare that I have published a notice in -----------------------------------------a local newspaper ( name of newspaper ) --------------------------------------------------- in its edition dated --------------------------------------------------------------------------as required by rule 99 of Maharashtra Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989. A copy of the above mentioned edition of the said newspaper is attached herewith. ( Name of applicant ) Please pay the cost of this form at the concerned RTO Price: Rs 10.00 Printed from