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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Special Calf Rearing Scheme

Download forms for state: Goa
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TitleApplication Form for Special Calf Rearing Scheme
Document Size42.7 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
GOVERNMENT OF GOA DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY SERVICES, PASHU SANVARDHAN BHAVAN, PATTO- PANAJI- GOA (SPECIAL CALF REARING SCHEME) APPLICATION FORM (One form is to be utilized per calf) 1) Name of the beneficiary ----------------------------------------­2) Address----------------------------------------------------------­3) Tel. No. or Contact Tel. No.-------------------------------------­4) Educational Qualification:---------------------------------------­5) Profession:-------------------------------------------------------­6) Ration Card No:-------------------------------------------------­(Copy to be enclosed having beneficiary) 7) whether benefit of scheme was availed earlier (YES/NO) (If yes, Give details below) 8) Identification Mark -------------- Tag No. --------- Age ------­ a. b. c. d. 9) Date of Birth of Calf ---------------------------------------------­ (for which feed assistance is applied) 1) Identification Mark --------------------------------------------­2) Whether farmer has facility to rear calf -----------------------­3) Previous experience in the field -------------------------------­4) Present weight of calf and age ---------------------------------­5) Registration number --------------------------------------------­6) Whether member of Dairy Co-operative Society. Yes/No 7) If yes, Name of the Dairy Society. 8) I solemnly state and affirm that I will not take feed underany other Govt. Scheme or from any other organization/ Institution for this particular calf. Signature of Applicant I consider that the case is feasible and the beneficiary has the desire to rear the animal as per recommendation of the Department. Further, I verify that the Calf is not getting feedfrom any other scheme of the Govt/ other Institution. Signature of E.O. I agree to all the points in the application and to the remarks of E.O. (AH) Signature of V.O. Dated:­
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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