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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Apply for Licence to Drive a Motor Vehicle

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleApply for Licence to Drive a Motor Vehicle
Document Size23.1 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM - 4 (See Rule 14) Form of Application for Licence to drive a Motor Vehicle To, The Licensing Authority, I apply for a licence to enable me to drive vehicles of the following description: a) Motor Cycle without gear. b) Motor Cycle with gear. c) Invalid carriage. d) Light motor vehicle. e) Medium goods vehicle. f) Medium passenger motor vehicle. g) Heavy goods vehicle. h) Heavy passenger motor vehicle. i) Road roller. j) Motor vehicle of the following description: Particulars to be furnished by the Applicant 1. Name : ................. 2. Son/wife/daughter of : ................. 3. Permanent address : ................. (Proof to be enclosed) : ................. 4. Temporary address/Official address (if any) : ................ 5. Date of Birth (Proof to be enclosed) : ................. 6. Educational qualification : ................. 7. Identification Marks 1) ................ 2) ................ 8. Optional/Blood Group -Rh Factor] : ................. 9. Have you previously held driving licence : ................. If so, give details : ................. 10.Particulars and date of every conviction which has been ordered to be endorsed on any licence held by the applicant : ................. 11.Have you been disqualified for obtaining a licence to drive? If so, for what reason? : ................. 12.Have you been subjected to a driving test as to your fitness or ability to drive a vehicle in respect of which a licence to drive is applied for? If so, give the following details : ................ Date of Test Testing Authority Result of Test 1. 2. 3. 4. [Passport size photograph] 13. I enclose three copies of my any recent [Passport size photograph] (where laminated card is used no photographs are required). 14. I enclose the Learner's Licence No ...........dated ..........issued by Licensing Authority. 15. I enclose the driving certificate No..........dated.............issued by..................... 16. I have submitted alongwith my application for learner's Licence the written consent of parent/guardian. 17. I have submitted alongwith the application for Learner's Licence/I enclose the medical fitness certificate. 18. I am exempted from the medical test under Rule 6 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. 19. I am exempted from preliminary test under Rule 11(2) of the Central Motor Vehicles Riles, 1989. 20. I have paid the fee of rupees............................. I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars given above are true. Note:-Strike out whichever is inapplicable Date......... Signature/thumb Impression of applicant Certificate of Test of Competence to Drive The applicant has passed the test prescribed under rule 15 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rule, 1989. The test was conducted on (here enter the registration mark and description of the Vehicle).........on (date). The applicant has failed in the test. (The details of the deficiency to be listed out) Date: Signature of Testing Authority full name and designation Two specimen Signatures of Applicant *Strike out whichever is inapplicable. Please pay the cost of this form to the concern RTO Rs.5.00 Printed from www.goatransport.com.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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