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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Intimation and Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleIntimation and Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle
Document Size7.7 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM 30 [See rule 55 (2) and (3)] Report of transfer of ownership of a Motor Vehicle Part---1. For the use of the transferor (To be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire purchase/lease/hypothecation and the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the financier simultaneously on making the entry of transfer of ownership in the certificate of registration.) To, The Registering Authority, Name of Transferor _______________________________________________________ Son/wife/daughter of ______________________________________________________ Full address _____________________________________________________________ I, hereby declare that I/We have on this ___________________________________ Day of the year ______________________ sold my/our motor vehicle bearing Registration mark _____________ to Shri/Smt.____________________son/wife/daughter Of ______________________________________________________________________ Residing at ______________________________________________________________ (full address) and handed over the certificate of registration and certificate of insurance to him/her/them. I/We hereby declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the certificate of registration of the vehicle has been/has not been suspended* or cancelled. **I enclose the 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the Registering Authority. **If the 'No Objection Certificate' from the Registering Authority is not enclosed, the Transferor should file along with this application a declaration as required under sub-section (1) of section 50. Date Signature or thumb impression of the Transferor *Details of suspension or cancellation .**Strike out, whichever is inapplicable. Part-II-For the use of transfers To, The Registering Authority, Name of Transferee _______________________________________________________ Son/wife/daughter of ______________________________________________________ Full address _____________________________________________________________ (proof of address to be enclosed) I, hereby declare that I/We have on this ____________________________________ Day of the year______________________________________ purchased the motor vehicle bearing registration number _________________________________ from _______________________________ (name and full address) and request that necessary entries regarding the transfer of ownership of the vehicle in my/our name may be recorded in the certificate of registration/certificate of fitness of the vehicle, which is enclosed. The certificate of insurance is also enclosed. Signature or thumb impression of the Transferee Specimen signature or thumb impression of the transferee. (1) (2) Consent of the Financier in the case of motor vehicle subject to an agreement of hire­purchase/lease/hypothecation. I/We being a party to an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation in respect of motor vehicle______________________ give consent to the transfer to ownership of the said vehicle to Shri/Smt./Kumari_____________________________________________ With whom I/We have entered into an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation. Date______________________ Signature of the Financier Office endorsement No. ______________ Date ______________Office of the _________________ The transfer of ownership of vehicle has been recorded with effect from on the Registration certificate of the vehicle _______________________ and in the registration Record of this office. To, (Name and address of the Financier) Registering Authority By registered post or delivered proper acknowledgement. Please pay the cost of this form at the concern RTO Rs.10.00 printed from www.goatransport.com.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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