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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Licence to Engage in Imparting Instructions for Driving of Motor Vehicles

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleLicence to Engage in Imparting Instructions for Driving of Motor Vehicles
Document Size4.9 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM 12 See rule 24 ( 2) Form of application for a licence to engage in the imparting instructions in driving of Motor Vehicles To, The Regional Transport Officer, The undersigned hereby applies for obtaining a licence to run the business of imparting instructions in driving of motor vehicles. 1. Full name of the applicant : 2. Son/wife/daughter of : 3. Address : 4. Place where the applicant desires to start his business. 5. Nature and extent of facilities available, including list of books, films or video cassettes on road safety etc. : 6. Qualifications of staff engaged for imparting instructions : 7. Make and model of engines and chassis available for imparting training regarding assembly and working such engines and chassis : 8. Details of the registration marks of the vehicles used for imparting driving instructions : 9. I have paid the fee of rupees ------------ Dated ------------- Signature of the applicant Please pay the cost of this form at the concerned RTO Rs.10.00 Printed from www.goatransport.Com
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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