HP FORM XXVII P.CO. P.A. (Rule 62 (ii) of the Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle rules, 1991). APPLICATION FOR A CONTRACT CARRIAGE PERMIT To The Regional Transport Authority, __________________________ In accordance with the provisions of Section 69, 73 and 80 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, I/We the undersigned hereby apply for permit under section 66 of that Act in respect of a service of a Stage Carriage as hereunder set out: - 1. Full Name ________________________________________________________ 2. Name of father (in case of an individual) ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Area for which required ______________________________________________ 5. Brief description of vehicle ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Seating Capacity ___________________________________________________ 7. Particulars of service to be performed by the contract carriage (not necessary in case of a motor cab other than one used, on a hill road), and the manner in which it is claimed that the public convenience will be served ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. (In case of a motor cab) District or other area which the applicant (s) desire to have appointed as the headquarters of vehicle _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Particulars of any Stage Carriage or Contract Carriage permit (or similar authorization under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1939/Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 valid in a State and held by the applicant (s) in respect of: (a) this vehicle _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ (b) any other vehicles _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Particulars of any permit, public motor vehicle license or similar authorization under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1939/ Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 held by the applicant in respect of the use of any transport vehicle in India during the last four years which has been the subject of an order of suspension or cancellation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. I am /we are in possession of the vehicle, which is my/our own property. (If the vehicle is not the property of the applicant(s) give particulars of the hiring agreement). 12. I /we have not yet obtained possession of the vehicle and I /we understand that the permit will not be issued until I /we have done so and have produced the certificate of registration. 13. I /we intend to drive the vehicle personally/through driver. 14. I /we desire permit valid for ___________________years. I /we hereby declare that the above statements are true and agree that they shall be conditions of any permit issued to me/us. (Date) Signature or thumb impression of applicant(s). ________________________________________________________________________ To be filled in the office of the Transport Authority 1. Date of receipt _____________________________________________________ Circulation to members ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Date of consideration at meeting ______________________________________ decision by Chairman ______________________________________________ granted. 3. Granted in modified form on the_________________day of ________________. Rejected 4. Number of permit ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Strike out in applicable alternatives throughout.