Please Note: One passport size photograph duly attested on backside by the Gazetted Officer of your Town Tehsil or District to be attached in separate envelope. The photograph should not be defaced in anyway. PERFORMA FOR RECOMMENDING A TEACHER FOR NATIONAL AWARD Part A, B and C are to be filled by the Principal / Head of the School in case of a teacher and by the Chairman Managing Committee of the school in case of Principal from source such as Teacher«s Diary records of Inspection Record by the Principal, Examination results of the school, confidential reports and service Book etc. of the teacher. Particulars of the Teacher / Principal PART ¬ A 1. Name (in Block Letters) : ----------------------------------- 2. Date of Birth ----------------------------------- 3. Present age ------------------------------------ 4. Date of superannuating ------------------------------------- 5. If superannuated, please Clarify whether extension is Given by the competent Authority with supporting documents. ----------------------------------- 6. Sex --------------------------------------- 7. Marital status --------------------------------------- 8. Designation & school address with pin code number ------------------------------------- 9. State --------------------------------------- 10. Residential address with Pin code number ------------------------------------- 11. Permanent address with Pin code number ------------------------------------- 12. Whether the school is primary, Secondary / Sr.Secondary ------------------------------------ 13. Academic Qualifications Examination University / Board / Year % of marks Subject Passed. Deptt. Obtained 14. Total Service with Total service date of joining as teacher. -------Year--------months. Date of Joining as teacher---------- SERVICE RECORD Name of the Level Primary / Total enrolment Period of service Subject(s) Classes Result at Any other institute Sec Sn. Sec. With designation taught public respsibibility (Exact dates to be or annual discharged indicated ) exam. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------------- 15. Total experience Period (Mention teaching experience of From--------to--------- recognized schools only) Teaching: Administrative: Other: Total *Teaching experience of recognized schools only has to be given. It should be certified by the head of the Institution where the teacher has served. (Please attach photocopy of service book (s) in support of service record. PART-B 16. What has been the teacher«s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The subject of the 1996 Teacher for the last five 1997 Year.( Give the results of the last five years ) 1998 class results in Board / School Classes Subject School Board Examination? Give the percentage of pass and grade 1994 Wise position A1, A2, B1, B2 , in 1995 Use additional sheet if required. 17. Has the teacher mobilized any quantifiable community resources for the physical development of the school ? If so give details. 18. Has the teacher under taken any specific activities for promoting National Integration? Give details. 19. The following information may specifiable be given: -does he / she indulge in tuitions? -is he / she in the of submitting complaints and indulging in litigations? -does he / she indulge in political / trade union activities? -is he / she punctual ? 20. Has the teacher under taken any innovative experiment for greater impact of his / her teaching on the students? Give a brief notes. Give brief resume of any experimentation in the following areas. (a) Class-room instruction (b) Laboratory / Library work (c) Assessment & evaluation (d) Administration work. 21. Which teaching learning practices are adopted and what are the types of teaching aids, including mass media, used by the teacher to make classroom instruction more interesting? 22. Does the teacher give any special attention and assistance to the gifted and weaker students? If so, give details of the last five years. 23. Has the teacher participated in any in-service training programmes, workshop etc. or acted as Resource Person? If so, give details of the last five years. 24. Has the teacher carried out any functional research in the pedagogy and obtained visible improvement in performance of the students? (Attach abstracts) 25. Does the teacher take active interest in organizing co-curricular or extra-curricular activities in the school? Give details ( NCC , Scouts &Guides etc.) 26. Has the teacher written any articles, text -books etc.? If so give details. 27. Has the teacher received any recognition, award or prize from the school, community or Government during the last 10 years? If so, give particulars. 28. Any other significant achievement not mentioned above. 29. Self assessment / appraisal of the teacher / Principal to be attached Additional information to be given in case of Principal only (points 80 to 85) 30. Has the Principal introduced any innovative ideas of raising the quality of education in the school? (attached abstracts) 31. Does the Principal invite the parents for their co-operation for academic development? If yes, the details there of. 32. Does the Principal take interest in maintenance of school building and beautification of campus? If so, please give details. 33. Are the activities like Annual Day, Sports Day, Clubs (nature, science, reader) value based education etc. being organized? If so give details. 34. Is guidance provided to the teachers in professional development and encourages the teacher as well as students for experimentation / innovations? 35. What goals / targets are set in academic/ sports and games/ other activities and what are the achievement? 36. Has any project been under taken during the last three years at school level? Please give a brief account in this regard (attach abstracts) II PART ¬ C Remarks about the Teacher/ Principal based on his assessment: 38. Does the teacher command respect among the students ? 39. Does he able to maintain cordial relations with his fellow-teachers and others ? 40. Is he able to maintain discipline among the students ? 41. What is the extent of participation of the teacher in activities of parent association etc. if any ? 42. General overall assessment by the Head of the Institution / Chairman, Managing Committee of the school. 1. Principal of the School ( in case of a teacher ) 2. Chairman/Manager Managing Committee of the school ( in case of Principal ) Tel No O : R : Enclosures to be submitted along with the application (in duplicate) 1. Prescribed Performa duly filled in and complete in all respect. 2. Certificate regarding clean record of service and fault ness antecedents and that no enquires or legal proceedings departmental or otherwise are pending against the teacher. 3. Copies of ACR's of the last five years duly attested by a Gazetted officer. 4. Results of the last five years as per column 16. 5. copy of service book in support of teaching experience of only the recognized schools where the teacher has served. 6. Copies of degrees/diplomas/certificates in support of qualifications and date of birth. 7. One passport size photograph in a separate envelope duly attested on backside by the gazetted Officer. The photograph should not be defaced. 8. Self-appraisal of the teacher/ Principal. Notes : 1. All the above documents are to be sent in duplicate. 2. Each application must be placed in a separate file cover, name of the teacher and name of the school should also be indicated. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY OF TEACHERS FOR CONSIDERATION FOR THE AWARDS TEACHING EXPERINCE ETC. 1.1 Classroom teachers with at least 15 years regular teaching experience and Headmaster/ Principals with 20 years of regular teaching experience and who are actually working as teachers/headmasters in recognized Primary/ Middle/Sec./Senior Secondary etc. schools only shall be considered. 1.2 Normally retired teachers are not eligible for the award but those teachers who have served a part of the calendar year (At least for months i.e. upto 30th April in the year to which National Award relates) may be considered if they fulfill all other conditions. The service rendered on re-employment after attaining the age of superannation will not count as eligible service. 1.3 Teachers whose names were recommended last year of before can be considered again if they are still otherwise eligible. 1.4 Educational Administratiors, Inspectors of Education etc. and the staff of training colleges are not eligible for these awards 1.5 Only those teachers having requisite teaching experience. as mentioned at S.N 1 above, on 31st December of the preceding year of the award i.e. above, on 31.12.98. 2. MAIN CONSIDERATIONS THAT SHOULD GUIDE THE SELECTION OF TEACHERS AT VARIOUS LEVELS : 2.1 Teachers reputation in the local community; 2.2 His academic efficiency and desire for its improvement. 2.3 His genius interest in and love for children; and 2.4 His involvement in the social life of the community. 3. PROCEDURE FOR SELECTION: 3.1 The initial selection shall be made at the regional Committee from amongst the names recommended by a principal/Manager/Chairman of the Managing Committee. No teacher shall be asked or permitted to apply for the award. The name shall be recommended by the Principal/Manager/ Chairman of the Managing Committee on the basis of the Teacher's record of work. 3.2 The Regional Selection Committee shall scrutinize and sift the recommendations received from schools and recommend to the Central Committee at least three names for each category i.e. (i) PRT/TGT & Misc. teachers and (ii) PGT/Vice-Principal and Principal. the Names of teachers selected by the Regional Committee at HQ who shall be arranged in order of merit before they are recommended to the Central Committee at HQ who shall scrutinize and sift the recommendations of the Regional committee and forward two names of teachers from each zone to the Central Govt. along with character certificate of faulters antecedens and absolute integrity duly signed by the Principal/Manager/Chairman of the managing Committee. 3.3 The final selection will be made by the Central Govt.