Printed from FORM NO. 31 [See rule 43] Application for a certificate under the first proviso to sub-section (1A) of section 230 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 To The Assessing Officer, Sir, I request that *Tax Clearance Certificate be granted to me. I give below the necessary particulars : 1. Full name of the applicant (in block letters) 2. Permanent Account Number 3. Present address 4. Permanent address 5. Name of father (or husband) 6. Domicile and nationality 7. Nature of business or profession etc. in India 8. Whether exemption is claimed under any section of Act ? If so, which ? 9. Place(s) at which the business or profession is/was carried on 10. Date of arrival in India (when were the previous visits made and what were the periods of stay in each case) 11. Destination of journey 12. Probable date of departure 13. Mode of travel (by Air/Sea/Land*) 14. Date of intended return, if any. 15. Passport No./Emergency Certificate No. (a) issued on (date) (b) From (place and country) I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information furnished in the application is correct and truly stated. Place _________________ Yours faithfully Date __________________ (Applicant) *Delete whichever is not applicable