JAMMU MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. APPLICATION FORM FOR GRANT OF PLUMBING LICENSE. 1. Name with present and permanent address of the applicant 2. Nationality of the applicant: ___________________________. Address of his businesses place: ________________________________. 3. Date of birth: _______________________________________. 4. Academic Qualification: __________________________________. 5. Technical qualifications: ___________________________________. 6. Practical experience: _______________________________________. 7. Whether applicant has passed the practical test held by the Corporation, given detail thereof: ________________________________________________________________ 8. Name and title of the firm under which business is being carried out: ______________ 9. Telephone, if any: ____________________________. 10. Partnership deed, if any (in case of Corporate body): _________________ 11. Stock of water supply and sewerage pipes and fittings etc. within Municipal Corporation Limit ((In case of a Corporate-body): 12. Year of grant of plumbing license: _____________________________. 13. Date of renewal of plumbing License: ___________________________. 14. Date and details of the fees deposited for the grant/renewal of the license applied for: _________________________________________________. 15. Date of application: __________________________________________. For office use only I/we have gone through the Jammu Municipal Corporation Plumbing License Bye-laws and I/we am/are eligible for the grant/renewal of the plumbing License for rending services in relation to the works connected with water supply, drainage and sewerage disposals within the Corporation area. Signature of the Applicant. Assistant Engineer. Junior Engineer. AC/Commissioner. Municipal Engineer.