Application form for transportation of old timber To The Divisional Forest Officer, ................ Pass port size 1. Name of the applicant________________________________________ photo duly attested 2. Father's/Husband's Name_____________________________________ by G.O. or a Notray 3. Age____________________________________________________ 4. Complete postal address (for correspondence) i. House No. & Street or Mohalla ____________________________ ii. Name of village/town ____________________________________ iii. Distt. With Pin Code ________________________________________ 5. Ref. Of E.C's Photo-identity card and Ration - Card. _______________________________________________ 6. Location/address of the house from where old-timber is to be removed and transported, Enclose location. __________________________________ 7. Sketch photograph/s of the house, before dismantling the same, showing old timber (Mention number of photographs duly attested by a G.O. or Notary, enclosed) __________________________________________________________ 8. Estimated quantity of timber proposed to be transported. ____________________________________________ 9. Documentary evidence in support of genuineness of the origina of timber, viz, old T.Ps, cash bills etc. (Mention number of documents attached). ________________________________________________ 10. When was the above timber purchased or procured? By who and from whom and from whom? ____________________________________________________________ 11. How old is the house mentioned at 6? And since how long the applicant has been staying there? Attach G.P. Sarpanch/M.R.Os certificate to this effect. _____________________________________ 12. Where does the applicant want to transport the old-timber to ? complete postal address of the place. _____________________________________________________________ 13. Documentary proof in support of having purchased or acquired the land in question at 12 above. _____________________________________________________________ 14. Estimated quantity of timber required in construction at (12) above, as per the plan. _____________________________________ 15. Whether the applicant wants to use the timber as such or convert the same into sizes? __________________________________________________________________ Check -slip (To be accompanied with the file for grant of permission of transport of old timber as per the PCCF's Circular No. 14/95) 1. Name of the applicant ________________________________________Address ____ _________________________________ Village/town___________________________ 2. Has the applicant furnished complete postal address of i. his own, ______________________________________________________ ii. that of the old timber where from it is to be removed? ___________________________________________________ 3. a) Has applicant furnished his/her pass port size photo? ______________________________________________________________ b) Is the photograph attested by a Gazatted Officer or Notary? (Where it exceeds 5.0 cmt involving teak/redsander) _______________________________________________ 4. i) Has the applicant furnished ref.No.of E.C.'s Photo-Identity card and/or Ration card? _______________________________________________________________ ii)Has/have the same been verified with originals? ___________________________________________________________ 5. Has the location sketch of the house, where from old-timber is to be removed furnished? ____________________________________________________________ 6. Have the photographs of above house been furnished and their number (when it exceeds 2.0 cmt involving teak/Red sander) _______________________________ 7. What is the estimated quantity of timber in the above house? (species wise) _____________________________________________ 8. Has the applicant furnished any documentary proof, regarding the age of house mentioned above? What is it? __________________________________________ 9. Has the applicant furnished documentary proof regarding the origin of timber? What is it/these? _______________________________________________________________ 10. Since when the applicant is staying in the above house? What documentary support is furnished in support of the same? ____________________________________________ 11. Has the applicant furnished complete postal address of the destination and its location sketch? _________________________________________________________________ 12. Is the property (land) at destination is owned by the applicant him/herself? _________________________________________ 13. If so at 12, i. Has the applicant produced attested copy of the sale deed of the above property? ____________________________________ ii. Has the same been verified with original by D.F.O.? __________________________________________________________ 14. Date of inspection of the old timber by Jammu and Kashmir State Forest Corporation _______________________ 15. Date of inspection of the old timber by D.F.O. ________________________________________________________________ 16. Date of inspection of the site at destination by the concerned D.F.O. (FSP). If teak/Red Sander timber exceeds 2.0 cmt. _____________________________________________ 17. Is D.F.O. satisfied regarding the information furnished by applicant, with regard to a. Genuineness of the reason for shifting the old timber? __________________________________________________________ b. Genuineness of the timber being old and pertaining to applicant? ___________________________________________________ 18. Has the applicant furnished photographs of the old-timber during dismantling? (If over 2.0 cmt of teak/red sander included) __________________________________________ 19. Is the panchnama of extricating old timber conducted by concerned Section Officer? Quantity of timber extracted? Where teak yegisa, Red Sander, Yepi involved. ___________________________________________ 20. Data/s of inspection of old-timber after extrication by (Where over 2.0cmt involved) _______________________________________________________________ a. F.R.O. b. Sub-DFO/DFO. 21. Specific Recommendation of the D.F.O. (Quantity of timber to be specified with species) Date: Station: Signature of the D.F.O.