FORM JK/ED-7 [See rule 16 (1)] NOTICE OF DEMAND Officer of the Entertainment Tax Officer _______ Area No.-------------------------Dated--------------------------------To You are hereby informed that the amount of entertainments duty payable by you in respect of free, surreptitious, unauthorized and concessional entries for the period beginning from ________ to ________ has been assessed as under:- Entertainment duty assessed Rs. ___________________________ Less amount paid already Rs. _____________________________ Net amount due Rs. _____________________________________ You are hereby direct to pay the sum of Rs. ___________________ (in figures) rupees __________________________(in words) into Treasury/Sub-Treasury/J&K Bank Ltd. _____________________ At _____________(place) on or before date _______________________ and furnished the receipt in proof of the payment to this office on or before (date) _____________failing which the said sum will be recoverable from you as arrears of land revenue. 2. A challan in Form JK/ED-8 is enclosed for the purpose. Signature of the Entertainment Tax Officer ______________ Area Seal _________________ Dated _______________