FORM FOR ADMISSION TO THE SWIMMING CENTRE For Office Use Card no. ________ Photograph duly Receipt no.______ attested Dated. _________ Amount. ________ 1. Name of the applicant: ____________________________________ 2. Name of the Institution/Deptt. __________________________________ 3. Date of Birth: _______________________________________________ 4. Father's Name and Occupation: _________________________________ 5. Address (a) Permanent _________________________________________________ (b) Correspondence. ____________________________________________ 6. Enrolment as regular trainee/casual swimmer as student or non student ____________________________________________________ 7. Membership (Fee Paid) Rs. 8. It is certified that I have gone through the rules and regulations (overleaf) for the game of swimming and would abide them. 9. It is further certified that I have background of swimming/I have no background of swimming. I am taking the same at my own risk and responsibility. Signature of applicant: ____________ Signature of Father/Guardian: ________________ Recommendation of the Head of the Institution/Department Certified that applicant is a bonafides student/employee of this School/College/Office and all particulars given by him/her are correct according to the office record. The application is forwarded for enrolment as trainee/casual swimmer as student or non-student. In case of student member the application must be countersigned by the Head of the Institution recognized by the Government. .Signature of Head of Institution/Department. (with seal) Recommended by the Swimming Coach: ___________________________ Recommended Pointed with Reasons: _____________________________ Signature of Swimming Coach: __________________________________