J. K. P. T. 2. Certificate of Registration (See rule 4 of the Jammu and Kashmir Passengers Taxation Rules, 1963). Registration No ....... Area/District. This is to certify that the owner whose particulars are detailed below, has been registered under section 9 of the Jammu and Kashmir Passengers Taxation Act, 1963, on the .......19. 1. Name of the owner. 2. Style of the business, if any. 3. Number of place(s) of business. 4. Location of place(s) of business. (House No./Mohalla/Road ........................... Village/Town .......District .......) (a) Main place of business. (b) Other places of business. 5. Location of the garage(s). (House No./Mohalla/Road.......). 6. Number, date and nature of each permit held and the details of route or routes covered by each such permit: 1. Serial No. 2. Permit No. and date. 3. Nature of permit (e. g, particulars of public service vehicles.) 4. Route or routes or area covered by the permit. 5. Registration No. of the vehicle(s). 6. No. of vehicles trips (up and down) per day (for stage carriage only). 7. Remarks. (Seal) Assessing Authority, Area District. Place ....... Date ....... ACKNOWLEDGMENT Received on the .......(date) a certificate of Registration under the Jammu and Kashmir Passengers Taxation Rules, 1963, with authenticated copies thereof. Signature of owner.......