L FORM P3 [See Rule 7] APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE To To The Petrol Taxation Officer, Jammu/Srinagar. I, ________________________ s/o _________________________ on my behalf/on behalf of the dealer styled as ______________________ and holding license No._________________________________ valid upto _____________________ request for the renewal of the said license for the year ______________________. Signature of the applicant Status Place: Dated: Note: 1. This application shall be signed by a person authorized to sign under rule 24 of the rules. It shall ordinarily be submitted 30 days before the expiry of the license sought to be renewed. 2. The license shall not be renewed unless the returns due up to the date of making this application have been filed and any sum payable under the Act or the Rules up to such date has been paid and the dealer holds a valid license for the storage of dangerous petroleum. 3. Fee of Rs.100 shall be paid in the form of court fee stamps affixed to this application.