FORM JVAT 304 GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND COMMERCIAL TAXES DEPARTMENT NOTICE FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION FOR AUDIT ASSESSMENT [See Rule 33(3) & 33(8)] Date Month Year 01. Office of the___________________________ of Commercial Taxes ___________________Circ/e/SubCircle To Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Whereas your attendance is necessary to give evidence in course of Audit Assessment u/s 37 of the Act, and whereas the following documents (herein describe* the documents in sufficient detail for proper identification with reasonable certainty) are required with reference to an enquiry under the Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (here enter briefly the subject of the enquiry) now pending before me, you are hereby summoned to appear in person or through an authorised representative to produce, or cause to produce, the said documents before me on the _____ day of ______________ at______ O' clock at (place)______________________ Without prejudice to the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, if you intentionally omit or fail to attend and give evidence or to produce the books of Accounts Registers, Records / or other Documents, as required, a Penalty upto Rs._________________ (Rupees _______________________________________________________________ only) may be imposed upon you under Section 37(6) of the Jharkhand VAT Act, 2005. Given under my hand and seal this _______ day of ___________ Signature Incharge of the Circle/SubCircle *Documents required to be maintained in Rule 33.