UNIVERSITY OF KERALA APPLICATION FOR CONDONATION FROM THE SHORTAGE IN THE MINIMUM ATTENDANCE PRESCRIBED 1. Name 2. College and the class in which the candidate studies 3. Course for which exemption is applied 4. Total number of working days for the year 5. No. of days attended by the candidate 6. Minimum number of days required for attendance certificate (75/80 percent) 7. Shortage of attendance - No. of days 8. Reasons for absence 9. Particulars of enclosures, if any 10. Signature of applicant and date 11. Recommendation of the Principal of the College 12. Valid reasons for recommendation Certified that condonation was not granted to the student previously for the --------------------------------------------------------------------course. Station---------------------Signature of the Principal Date -----------------------------------------------College Note: 1. See overleaf for instructions. This application should be forwarded within the day specified overleaf with the prescribed fee. 2. This certificate should be furnished by the Principal in the case of students in the senior class. Rules relating to condonation from the shortage in the minimum attendance prescribed 1. Condonation is not granted as a matter of course. It will be granted only in case where the Syndicate is satisfied that the students could not keep 75 percent of the attendance for reasons beyond their control. 2. Application for condonation should be accompanied by the detailed statements in the form attached showing the days of absence during the academic year with reasons for each day's absence. In case of illness such application should be supported by proper medical certificates 3. Applications for condonation should be forwarded: (1) In the case of candidates appearing for University Examinations (March-April) so as to be received in the University Office not later than the Ist March preceding the Examination. Note:- If full particulars under items 4 and 5 of the application cannot be furnished, a supplemental statement with full information should be submitted so as to be received here on or before the 10th March. (2) In the case of junior class students not later than the Ist April at the close of the academic year. Fee:- upto 10 days Rs.100/- upto 20 days Rs.200/ 4. Applications should be specifically recommended by the Principal 5. Application not conforming to the above rules will not be considered. Statement of Absence Date No. of Days Reason for Absence Total No. of Days Signature of the Student Certified that timely application for leave was made and leave granted at the time. Signature of the Principal