This form consists of two pages BOARD OF VOCATIONAL HIGHER SECONDARY EXAMINATION, KERALA, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Application for Migration Certificate 1. Name and address of the applicant : (In block letters) 2. The School from which the applicant appeared : for S.S.L.C. Examination with Register No., month and year of passing 3. Name of the Institution in which the applicant : has studied for the V.H.S. Course 4. Name of course and years of study : 5. Details of appearances for the V.H.S. Examinations:- Sl. No. Register Month and Year Whether passed No. or failed 6. Register No., month and year of passing the Vocational Higher Secondary Examination (copy of the Certificate duly attested by the Headmaster/ Superintendent should be attached) 7. The purpose for which the Migration Certificate is needed Place: Date: Signature of applicant. CERTIFICATE 1 (To be furnished by the Head of V.H.S. Institution) Certified that the details mentioned above are correct as per school records. There is no objection to a Migration Certificate being issued to the applicant. Transfer Certificate No. ................. dated .............................. has already been issued to him/her. The conduct and character of the applicant has been ............................ .................................................................... Migration Certificate has not been issued to the applicant previously. Date: Signature of the Head of V.H.S. Institution (School Seal) Name and Designation. (To be filled in by the Head of Institution in which the applicant is now admitted) Shri/Kumari ......................................................... is admitted to ............................... class Course in ....................................................................... University/Board. Date: Signature: (Office Seal) Designation and address of the Head of the Institution. Instructions to the Applicant 1. All columns should be duly filled up. Incomplete application will be rejected. 2. The application should be forwarded through the Head of the V.H.S. Institution where the student had studied. 3. Fee for Migration Certificate is Rs. 15 and the same should be remitted under the Head "0202-01-102-06 fees collected for V.H.S. Edn." in a Government Treasury. Money Order, Postal Order etc. will not be accepted. 4. Fee once remitted will not be refunded. 5. The application for Migration Certificate should be accompanied by the following documents. (a) Chalan receipt in original. (b) A copy of the V.H.S.E Certificate, duly attested. 2