QUALITY SYSTEM FORMAT Customer Satisfaction Assessment Form -External Customers Dated:-------- 1. Name & Address of Customer : Sl. No. Parameter Affecting Customer Rating Excellent V. Good Satisfactory Poor Satisfaction >90% Good 8090% 6079% 40-50% <40% 1 TIMELINESS(T) i) Whether customer(s) feels that CEA's response to their requests is received by them in timely manner. ii) Reasons for low level of satisfaction, if any 2. TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE(Q) i) Whether customer(s) is happy/satisfied with technical inputs received by them Sl. No. Parameter Affecting Customer Rating Excellent V. Good Satisfactory Poor Satisfaction >90% Good 8090% 6079% 40-50% <40% ii) Whether customer feels that technical inputs provided by concerned division of CEA are latest/ uptodate/satisfactory Whether presentation of reports/comments/ iii) Data/documents are satisfactory and meet customers requirements expectations. C.S.I.= Qx0.4 + QX0.6 (Customer satisfaction index) Name ___________ Designation _________ Signature ____ (of assessing authority)