DECLARATION OF THE ASSESSMENT OF TAX ON PROFESSIONS, TRADES ETC. TO BE PRODUCED BY THE TRANSPORT OPERATORS. (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE APPLICANT/DECLARANT) 1. Name of the Owner : ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ . 2. Father's / Husband name : _______________________________________________. 3. Business Address: Village/ Town : _______________________________________________. P. O. : _______________________________________________. District: _______________________________________________. 4. Vehicles Registration No. : _______________________________________________. 5. Permit No. & Date : _______________________________________________. 6. Loading Capacity : ______________________________________________. 7. Seating capacity : ______________________________________________. 8. Trading License No. & Date : ______________________________________________. 9. Particular of Tax paid : ______________________________________________. Sl. No ASSESSMENT YEAR TAX PAID REMARKS 1 2 3 N. B: Copy of the Registration permit enclosed. I declare that the above information is correct and complete to the best of information and belief. Signature of the Applicant/ Declarant MEMO.NO.DC.PTCC/ Dated Shillong, the 200__ . Certified the above named Owner has paid the Professional Tax upto date. This certificate is valid upto ___________________________________ . Superintendent (Professional Tax) Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council. Shillong.