GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT SCHEDULED CASTE DEVELOMENT CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEE OF (RESEARCH AND TRAINING) FINANCIAL ASISSTANCE FOR UNDERTAKING RESEARCH STUDY SEMINAR/WORKSHOP AND TRAINING PROGRAMME APPLICATION FORM (In Quadruplicate) 1. Institutional Particulars 1. Name of the Organisation: 2. Mailing Address 3. Title of the Project 4. (a) In case the organisation is established under the Act of Parliament/state Legislature, in the name of the Statute. No. of Act and Year (b) In case the organisation is established under the Societies Registration Act, the place, registration number and date of Registration. 5. If semi-Government Organisation, the name of the Government department to which it is attached *( with complete address) 6. (a) Whether the organisation has a source of income (b) If yes then how much per annum and from which source- give details (c.) Whether it runs on no-profit no loss basis 7. Brief history of the organisation its objectives and its activities 8. Whether the organisation has any previous experience in the field Mentioned in item (3), if so, details thereof II Project Outline 1. Objectives 2. Justification for taking up the study/Seminar/workshop/Training Programme Mentioned in item (3) 3. Approach and Methodology 4. Estimated time in which the project will be completed ( total project duration along with phase-wise details) III Staffing Pattern 1. Name of the Project Director ( along with his/her bio-data) IV Budget Estimates (Salary travel, publications, computer facility, stationary, postage, contingency etc.) V Additional Information, if any VI List of documents (copies) to be attached with each copy of application form 1. Memorandum of Association and Rules/constitution/Certificate of Registration 2. Composition of Board of Governors 3. Annual Reports ( last two years) 4. Audited expenditure ( last two years) ( The organisation will submit the project proposal as per the scheme) To be signed by Project Director of Research project Head of the institution Place: Signature Date: