FORM II (see rule 10) ANNUAL REPORT (To be submitted to the prescribed authority by the 31st January every year). 1. Particulars of the applicant: (i). Name of the authorized person (occupier/operator): (ii). Name of the institution: Address Tel. No. Telex No. Fax. No. 2. Categories of waste generated and quantity on a monthly average basis: 3. Brief details of the treatment facility: In case of off-site facility: (i). Name of the operator: (ii). Name and address of the facility: Tel. No., Telex No., Fax No. 4. Category-wise quantity of waste treated: 5. Mode of treatment with details: 6. Any other information: 7. Certified that the above report is for the period from ................ ..................................... Date: Signature............. Place: Designation............