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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download New / Re-issue/ Replacement of Lost/Damaged Passports

Download forms for state: Meghalaya
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DepartmentHome (Passport) Department
TitleNew / Re-issue/ Replacement of Lost/Damaged Passports
Document Size539.5 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Government of India Ministry of External Affairs Passport Application Form (No.1) (For New / Re-issue/ Replacement of Lost/Damaged Passport) (Please tick the required category) Signature OR Thumb Impression Please read the Passport Information Booklet carefully before filling the form, in CAPITAL LETTERS in blue/ black ball point pen only: (CAUTION: Please furnish correct information. Furnishing of incorrect information would attract penal provisions as prescribed under the Passports Act, 1967). Please produce your original documents at the time of submission of the form. For official use only File Number .............. Police Verification required (Yes/No) ECR / ECNR ............. Signature of Checking Official Fee Amount Rs. Cash /D.D Bank Code D.D No. Date of Issue of D.D 1. Name of applicant as it should appear in the Passport (Initials not allowed) Surname Given Name (with documentary proof) 2. In case of change of name/surname (after marriage or otherwise with documentary proof), please indicate the previous name/surname in full 3. Sex Male Female Others 4. Date of Birth: DD MM YYYY (with documentary proof) In words.________________________________________________ 5. Place of Birth: Village / Town, District, State, Country (with Documentary Proof) 6. Father/Legal Guardian's Full Name (including surname, if any): (Initials not allowed) 7. Mother's Full Name (including surname, if any): (Initials not allowed) 8. If married, Full Name of wife/husband (including surname, if any). (Initials not allowed). (1) Paste your unsigned recent colour photograph. Size: 3.5 X 3.5 cm 8 (i) If divorced/widow/widower, Please indicate the category with documentary proof. 9. Current Residential Address (where staying presently), Residing since ............. (In case of students, please see Section III of Passport Information Booklet) P I N Telephone No. Mobile No. 9 (a) If you have been resident at your current address for less than one year, please furnish other addresses of your residence during the last one year. From.......To........ From.......To....... ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ 10. Permanent Address with PIN code (if the permanent address is same as the present address write "Same" only) P I N 11. Details of latest held/existing Ordinary / Diplomatic / Official passport(s): (i) Passport Office File No: ........../ Passport(s) No................. (ii) Date and Place of Issue: ........../ Date of Expiry .............. (iii) In case passport was applied for and not issued, please give File No. & Date ......... (iv) Has your passport(s) ever been lost / damaged (if so attach FIR and give details)......... ......................................... 11. (a) If you have returned to India on Emergency Certificate (EC) or were ever deported or repatriated, please furnish details: EC No., date and place of issue & attach seizure memo in original ................ Place & Country from where deported / repatriated and reason thereof:............. ....................... ..................... ......................................... 12. Other Details: a) Educational Qualifications.............................. b) Visible Distinguishing Mark, if any........................... c) Height .......cms. (2) 13. Are you working in Central Government/ State Govt/ PSU/ Statutory Bodies (Y)es/ (N)o If 'Yes' attach Identity Certificate (As per Annexure "B" of Passport Information booklet). 14. Are you a citizen of India by: (B)irth/(D)escent/(R)egistration/(N)aturalisation; .......... If you have ever possessed any other citizenship, please indicate previous citizenship ......... 15. "Emigration Check Not Required" status? Yes/No ....... (Please note that all 10 and above qualified applicants are eligible for ECNR status.) If yes, mention the eligible category (see Section III of Passport Information Booklet) and enclose copy of relevant certificate/document__________________________________________________________ 16. In case of minors (applicant below the age of 18), if EITHER of the parents hold a Valid Indian Passport or has applied for it give the following details. Please see and fill up attached Annexure-H. Passport/ File No. Date & Place of Issue/ Application Mother _______________ _________________________________ Father _______________ _________________________________ 17. (a) Have you at any time during the period of Five years immediately preceding the date of this application been convicted by a court in India for any criminal offence & sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more? If so, give name of the court, case number and relevant sections of Law. (Attach copy of judgement) .......................................... (b) Are any criminal proceedings pending against you before a court in India? If so, give name of court, case number and relevant sections of Law. .......................................... (c) If answer at (b) is (Y)es, please furnish No Objection Certificate from competent court for grant of Passport. ................................................................................. (d) Have you been ever refused/denied passport? If yes, give details: .......................................... .......................................... (e) Has your passport ever been impounded / revoked? If yes, give details: .......................................... .......................................... (f) Have you ever applied/granted political asylum by any foreign country? If yes, give details. .......................................... .......................................... 18. Particulars of person to be intimated in the event of death or accident: Name ................................... Address ................................... ................................... Mobile / Tel. No. / email ID ............................ (3) 19. Self Declaration: I owe allegiance to the sovereignty, unity & integrity of India, and have not voluntarily acquired citizenship or travel documents of any other country. I have not lost, surrendered or been deprived of citizenship of India. The information given by me in this form and enclosures is true and I am solely responsible for its accuracy. I am aware that it is an offence under the Passports Act, 1967 to furnish any false information or to suppress any material information with a view to obtaining a passport or any other travel document. I further declare that I have no other passport/ travel document. (Signature/Thumb Impression of Applicant) Date ..... (Left Hand Thumb Impression if male and Right Hand Thumb Impression if female) Place .... 20. Enclosures: 1 Proof of date of birth ........... 2 Proof of Residence ............ 3 Educational Qualifications ........ 4 ....................... 5 ................... 6 .................. (For Official Use Only) Checked by Name Signature/date Granted by Name Signature/date Scanned by Name Signature/date Dispatched by Name Signature/date (4) PERSONAL PARTICULARS FORM (In Duplicate) 1. Full name (Initials not allowed) ........................... .... .......................................... 2. Sex: Male / Female / Others ............. (a) Has the applicant ever changed name? (b) If yes, previous name: ................................ 4. Date of Birth:............. 5. Place of Birth ................ 6. Profession ....................................... 7. a) Father ....................................... (Surname) (Name) b) Mother....................................... (Surname) (Name) c) Husband / wife .................................. . (Surname) (Name) 8 a) Permanent Address & Tel. No. 8(b) Present Residential Address & Tel. No, along with along with Police Station Police Station and residing since ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................... 9. If you have not been resident at the address given at COLUMN 8(b) continuously for the last one year, please furnish other address(es) with duration(s) resided (Please furnish an additional set of P P Forms for each address with Police station. From.......To........ From.......To....... ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ 10. References: Names and Addresses of two responsible persons in the applicant's locality who can vouch for the applicant. (1) Name, Address & Tel. No. (2) Name, Address & Tel. No. ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................... 11. Citizenship of India by: Birth Descent Registration Naturalization 12. Furnish details of previous passport / travel document, if any: (i) Passport/Travel document No: ........... (ii) Date & Place of issue ......... For Police Use Only Recommended Passport: YES/NO Signature or Thumb Impression of the applicant (Left Hand T.I. if male and Right Hand T.I. if female) (5) Paste your cross signed recent colour photograph. size 3.5*3.5 cm PERSONAL PARTICULARS FORM (In Duplicate) 1. Full name (Initials not allowed) ........................... .... .......................................... 2. Sex: Male / Female / Others ............. (a) Has the applicant ever changed name? (b) If yes, previous name: ................................ 4. Date of Birth:............. 5. Place of Birth ................ 6. Profession ....................................... 7. a) Father ....................................... (Surname) (Name) b) Mother....................................... (Surname) (Name) c) Husband / wife .................................. . (Surname) (Name) 8 a) Permanent Address & Tel. No. 8(b) Present Residential Address & Tel. No, along with along with Police Station Police Station and residing since ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................... 9. If you have not been resident at the address given at COLUMN 8(b) continuously for the last one year, please furnish other address(es) with duration(s) resided (Please furnish an additional set of P P Forms for each address with Police station. From.......To........ From.......To....... ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ 10. References: Names and Addresses of two responsible persons in the applicant's locality who can vouch for the applicant. (1) Name, Address & Tel. No. (2) Name, Address & Tel. No. ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................... 11. Citizenship of India by: Birth Descent Registration Naturalization 12. Furnish details of previous passport / travel document, if any: (i) Passport/Travel document No: ........... (ii) Date & Place of issue ......... For Police Use Only Recommended Passport: YES/NO Signature or Thumb Impression of the applicant (Left Hand T.I. if male and Right Hand T.I. if female) (5) Paste your cross signed recent colour photograph. size 3.5*3.5 cm
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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