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Download Permanent Registration of Small Scale Industries

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DepartmentIndustries Department
TitlePermanent Registration of Small Scale Industries
Document Size35.3 KB
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GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIES APPLICATION FORM FOR PERMANENT REGISTRATION AS SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES (TO BE FILLED IN TRIPLICATE) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write/ type in block (capital) letters 2. Fill up whichever is applicable 3. Use English alphabets/ Arabic Numbers while filling up blocks (to help computerisation). Leave one blank after each word 4. While filling the form, use the following procedure: ­ i. Name of the unit e.g., KAMAL ENTERPRISES / G.K. ENTERPRISES K A M A L E N T E R P R I S E S G K E N T E R P R I S E S III Date e.g., 23rd June, 1959 IV. Quantity (KG) e.g., 90 Kg V. Amount (Rs in thousands) e.g., Rs. 5000/­ VI. Fill up appropriate codes in the blocks wherever applicable Example 1: Yes-1, No-2, NA-3 3 If NA fill up -3 Example 2: Category: SSI-1, Anc-2, Tiny-3, SSSBE-4, EOU-5 3 If Tiny fill up -3 5. Block/ Boxes marked ( *) are to be filled by office. 6. Applicant should sign all copies. Abbreviations used: SSI : Small Scale Industries ANC : Ancillary Industrial Undertaking SSSBE : Small Scale Service and Business Enterprise TINY : Tiny Enterprise EOU : Export Oriented Unit NA : Not Applicable FORM 1. Provisional Registration No. 2. Date of issue: 3. Date of Commencement of Production 4. Name of Unit/ Applicant: 5. Address for communication TEL: PIN 6. Category of Unit. SSI-1 ANC-2 SSSBE-3 TINY-4 EOU-5 7. Location: Place/ Town Tehsil/ Taluk District State 8. Area of location: Rural -1, Urban -2, Metropolitan -3 9. Type or organisation: Proprietory-1, Partnership-2, Pvt. Company-3, Cooperative-4, Others-5 10. Nature of activity: Manufacturing/ assembling (01) Processing (02) Job Work (04) Repairing/ servicing (08) 11. Main items of manufacturer/ activities (details of capacity to be furnished in Appendix 'A') Code: ii. Name: Code: iii. Name: Code: iv. Name: Code: v. Name: Code: 12. Investment in Fixed assets (Rs. In '000) i. Land ii. Building iii. Plant & Machinery iv. Other fixed asset Total 13. Investment in Plant & Machinery (Original value Rs. In '000) (details to be furnished at Appendix B) 14. Raw Material Requirement. Name i. Item Code Imported - 1 Indigenous -2 Annual Consumption value (Rs. In '000) ii. iii. iv. v. Other Raw Materials Total (i) to (v) 15. Source of Power. Power Load H.P. (1 H.P. = 0.795 K.W.) K.W. Coal - 01, Oil -02, LPG - 04, Electricity - 08, Non-Conventional Energy - 16, Traditional Energy/ Firewood - 32 16. Employment: i. Managerial & Officer Staff ii. Supervisory and workers 18. Whether Registered under Factories Act Yes - 1 No - 2 17. Applicant's Profile Male -1 Female - 2 SC -1 ST- 2 Engineering Graduate -1 Other Graduate -2 Other -3 Signature of Applicant Date: Name of proprietor/ partner/ Managing Director FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. NIC Code Block Code District Code State Code Whether the items of manufacture/ activity require an industrial license? Yes -1 No -2 (No industrial license is required for items listed in schedule II of the licensing notification dated 25/7/1991 if the unit employs less than 50 100 workers with/ without power). CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION The Unit is permanently registered as a SSI/ SSSBE unit for the manufacture of items/ activities as stated in the application form and briefly noted below: Item of Manufacture/ activity (Sl. No. 11 & Appendix - A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Investment in Plant & Machinery (Sl. No. 13 & Appendix - B) Rs. In '000 Permanent Registration No. Date of issue Category of Unit (Sl. No. 6)__________________ FOR TINY ENTERPRISE The Unit is a tiny enterprise and its status as "Tiny Enterprise" is valid upto _____________________ Validity is extended upto ____________________ Validity is extended upto ____________________ Signature: Date: Name & Designation of Registering Authority 1. The endorsed application form is a part of the certificate of registration. 2. The certificate is valid for the items of manufacturer/ activity noted at Sl. No._____ and Appendix A and is also valid for any other item/ activity undertaken by the unit. 3. Conferment of the status as a tiny enterprise is to be validated/ renewed every five years as per procedure prescribed. 4. The certificate is subject to the affidavit furnished by the applicant in respect of the application for registration. 5. The certificate is subject to any or all the conditions that may be imposed by the Registering Authority. 6. If at any time it is found that the declaration/ affidavit furnished by the applicant is not true or in the event of violation of any of the conditions imposed by the registering authority, or if the investment exceeds the prescribed limit, the registration certificate is liable to be cancelled/ quashed without any prior notice. 7. This certificate does not confer or accrue any right to the applicant and cannot be treated as proof in respect of any statutory requirement or condition that may exist under any law for the time being in force. The onus of satisfying and fulfilling such requirements or conditions rests squarely on the applicant/ unit. 8. Additions/ deletions in the list of Plant of Machinery and the revised investment value thereof and/ or any changes in the constitution or location of the unit should be made in the additional sheets appended to the certificate on the request of the applicant. Appendix -B DETAILS OF PLANT AND MACHINERY Sl. No. Name of the Machinery No. Imported -1 Indigenous -2 Cost (original value) Rs. in '000 Appendix - A For any combination add the respective codes (Value in Rs. '000) Sl. No. Product & By-products manufacture/ assembled & services sold Product code Unit of quantity Unit code Annual Capacity Quantity Value 1 Manufacturing/ assembly 2 3 4 5 Other product & By-product (comb) 6 Total (1 to 5) x x x x x 7 Processing 8 9 10 Other (Combined) 11 Total (6 to 10) x x x x x 12 Job work x x x x 13 Servicing x x x x 14 Repairing x x x x 15 Total (12 to 14) x x x x x 16 Grand Total (1+11+15) x x x x x AFFIDAVIT FOR PERMANENT REGISTRATION AS SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES FORMAT I/ We.............................. son/ daughter/ wife/ widow of .................... Resident of .................... Do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I/ We have submitted an application dated ............. for permanent registration of the unit as small/ ancillary/ tiny/ export oriented unit/ small scale service and business enterprise. 2. That I/ We am/ are proprietor (s)/ partner (s)/ Managing Director of the Unit whose name and address given blow: - Name: ................................. Address: ............................... 3. That all particulars furnished in the application form are factual and correct. 4. That the location of the unit does not violate any locational restrictions for the time being in force and that I/ we have obtained the necessary locational clearance from the competent authority. 5. That I/ we have obtained all the Statutory Clearances/ No Objection Certificates/ Permission required to carry out he manufacture/ activity under the prevalent laws, regulations and rules in force. 6. That I/ we have also obtained the necessary registration/ license, whenever required, under the relevant laws, rules or orders, for the time being in force, for carrying out the said industrial activity. 7. That the unit does not require an industrial license because: a. The unit employs less than 50/ 100 workers with/ without use of power. b. The item proposed to be manufactured are reserved for exclusive production in the small-scale industries sector. c. The unit does not manufacture any item, which is included in the Schedule II of Notification No. S.O. 477 (E), dated 25/7/1991 and is not reserved for exclusive manufacture in the SSI Sector as included in Schedule II of the above Notification. 8. That the original value of investment in plant & machinery installed at the unit is within the limits prescribed for tiny/ SSI/ SSSBE/ ancillary/ export oriented unit as per existing provisions. 9. That the unit is not owned or controlled or is a subsidiary of any other industrial undertaking in terms of the Notification No. S.O. 2 (E), dated 1/1/1993. 10. That I/ we undertake to inform the registering authority within 30 days of the crossing of the investment limits in plant & machinery and submit the registration certificate for cancellation of the registration or deletion of relevant endorsement as ancillary/ EOU/ tiny/ enterprise/ small scale service and business enterprise. 11. That I/ we understand that if at a future date the said unit does not satisfy any of the conditions laid down in the Notification No.S.O. 232 (E), dated 2/4/1991 or does not comply with any of the conditions or restrictions for the time being in force, or includes for manufacture items that require an industrial license, then in such an eventuality, I/ we shall be liable and required to surrender our registration as a SSI Unit. 12. That I/ we undertake to inform the Directorate of Industries/ Registering Authority immediately in case a situation arises as mentioned at para 11 above. 13. That I/ we undertake to inform and to keep informed the Directorate of Industries/ Registering Authority on all parameters and changes, if any, as required from time to time. 14. That I/ we undertake to refund to the Central or State Government any or all financial incentives or benefits given under various schemes of assistance for small scale industries along with 18% interest, as may be demanded by the appropriate authority of Central/ State Government in case it is found that the information of particulars submitted to obtain registration were wrong and fraudulent. 15. That I/ we fully understand that we have to comply with the above conditions failing which, we are liable for action by the Registering Authority for cancellation of the registration as well as under other relevant provisions of the laws and rules in force. Signature DEPONENT VERIFICATION: Verified that the contents of the affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DEPODENT Date: Place: (Note) *Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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