S C H E D U L E [ See Clause 4(I) ] THE MEGHALAYA TEA (REGISTRATION OF DEALERS AND DECLARATION OF STOCKS ORDER, 1984 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION 1. Applicant's name : 2. Applicant's profession : 3. Applicant's residence : 4. Situation of applicant's place or places of : business with particulars as to numbers of house, mahilla, town or village, Police Station and District 5. How long the applicant has been trading in tea? : 6. Did the applicant held a Registration on tea on : any previous occasion? If so, give particulars including its suspension or cancellation, if any 7. Quantity of tea handled annually during the last : 2(two) years (January to December) 8. Income Tax paid in the two years proceeding : 1. ................ the year of application to be indicated separately 2. ................ 9. Quantity of tea in the possession of the : applicant on the date of application and the place at which the different quantities are kept I declare that the quantities of tea specified above are in my possession this day and are held at the places noted against them. I have carefully read the conditions of the Registration given in Form 'B' appended to the Meghalaya Tea (Registration of Dealers and Declaration of Stocks) Order, 1984 and I agree to abide by them. * (a) I have not previously applied for a Registration in this District under this Order. * (b) I applied for such Registration in this District for ................. ................. and is/was not allowed Registration on ........... * (c) I hereby apply for renewal of Registration No. .................. issued to me on .............. Place : ............ Date : ............ Signature of the Applicant. * Strike off the clauses and words not applicable.