Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30 |
Download Proforma for submission of projects under Biotechnology-based programmes for Women
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Ministry | Ministry of Science and Technology |
Department | Unspecified |
Title | Proforma for submission of projects under Biotechnology-based programmes for Women |
Language | English |
Document Size | 27.5 KB |
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DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF PROJECTS UNDER BIOTECHNOLOGY-BASED PROGRAMMES FOR WOMEN Guidelines for formulation of proposals for consideration under "Biotechnology-Based Programmes For Women " 1. The proposal should specifically be aimed at welfare of women using biotechnological processes/techniques. 2. The proposal/project should focus on field demonstration/extension oriented activities . R&D specifically focused on problems relating to women may also be considered.(for example, genetic disorder, malnutrition, and age related problems). 3. The project should clearly bring out how it will benefit the target population.(quantifiable goals, targets abd list of verifiable indicators of progress should be provided.) 4. In view of its extension-oriented programme, sophisticated and costly equipment would not be provided. Marginal support would be provided for creating small infrastructure/equipment, if it is absolutely essential. 5. Site for project implementation, as far as possible, should be in the vicinity of the target population. 6. Technology packages selected should be based on local resources available. 7. Emphasis should be on employment generation and income generation in addition to their present occupation. 8. The project should not lead to environmental degradation or ecological imbalance. 9. Sustainability of this project, after DBT support comes to end, must be ensured. 20 copies of the proposal may be submitted to:- Department of Biotechnology, Block- 2, 7th Floor, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi:- 110 003. Website:- www.dbtindia.gov.in / www.dbtindia.nic.in - 1 DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART I : GENERAL INFORMATION (To be filled by the applicant) 1. Project Title :_________________________________________ 2. Name of the Institution :_________________________________________ 3. Name of the Investigator (s) :_________________________________________ 4. Broad subject area (as per the list of priority areas enclosed): 5. Duration :______________Years: ________________ Months: _________________ 6.Total cost :___________________ Rs._____________________ Lakhs 7. Project Summary :__________________________________________________________ 8. Keywords :_________________________________________________________________ Suggested Areas* 1. Plant Tissue Culture 2. Floriculture 3. Biopesticide 4. Biofertiliser 5. Aquaculture 6. Animal Biotechnology 7. Sericulture 8. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Herbal Products. 9. Pharmaceutical and Health Products. 10. Solid Waste Management 11. Post-Harvest Technology 12. Nutrition and Food Technology 13. Health, Environment and sanitation related activities. 14. Biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use. *list not exhaustive. DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART II : PROFIE OF THE INVESTIGATORS AND THE INVESTIGATING AGENCY 9. Principal Investigator Name _______________________________________________________________ Designation __________________________________________________________ Department ___________________________________________________________ Institute/University_____________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ Pin _________________________________________________________________ Telephone ______________Telex ________________ Fax _____________________ E-mail _______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Sex : ________________SC/ST:________________ Attach bio-data, as per the proforma, giving positions held, publications etc. 10. Co-Investigator (s) Name________________________________________________________________ Designation___________________________________________________________ Department___________________________________________________________ Institute/University_____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Pin _________________________________________________________________ Telephone ______________Telex ________________ Fax _____________________ E-mail _______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Sex : ________________SC/ST:________________ Attach bio-data, as per the proforma. 11. Description of the implementing agency(ies) (Please enclose the paper regarding the Registration Certificate, MoA including By-laws and mandate, Audit statement of accounts for the last three years, Annual report including activity profile for last three years in case of NGOs.) a. Back ground of the agency, work being done. List of ongoing and completed projects, during the last 10 years with the granting agency, duration and quantum of funding. b. Expertise available the proposed investigating group/institution for implementing the project. c. Infrastructure available (including equipments). DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART III : TECHNICAL DETAILS OF PROJECT 12. Introduction Briefly describe the area selected, (urban, peri-urban, rural destance from the implementing agency, education, occupation and skills of the local population infrastructure facilities viz. roads, schools, health facilities etc.), identification of the problems and solution suggested. Focus on women population. 13. Objectives : Please be specific 14. Methodology a. Target area and beneficiaries (number of villages selected, with population, number of beneficiaries to be covered and basis of selection of beneficiaries). b. Nature of intervention, (demonstration, training, extension intervention, income generation, net working with other agencies) 15. Work Plan: under the following heads on separate sheets a) Methodology (tools to be used and mechanism to involve target population) b) Organization of work elements c) Time schedule of activities giving milestones (including no. of training, duration, stipend if any) S. No. Name of Milestones Expected Start (month/year) Expected Completion (month/year) 16. How will the project benefit the target population : Some quantitative criteriamonitory benefit, improvement in knowledge, attitude and practice, quality of life etc. to be provided. 17. Parameters to be used for evaluation of the impact : Pre-intervention benchmark survey to be done? Employment generation. Anticipated earning. Quality of life for women and children 18. Comment on impact on the environment. - 4 DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited Pages19. Linkages with S&T Institution in case of NGOs.(Clear cut commitment/letter of consent of S & T institution to be enclosed.). 20. Details of raw materials/local resources needed in the project and/or available ability to the project. 21. Techno-economic viability/cost benefit analysis (to include cash flow, working capital management, pay back period, etc.) 22. Comment on the possibilities of the activity becoming self-sustainable. (expected time) 23. Cost sharing if more than one agency is involved : Name of Agency Address of Agency Proposed Amount Cost Sharing % - 5 DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART IV : BUDGET ESTIMATE - SUMMARY* (In Rupees) Item Budget Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total A. Recurring 1. Salaries/Wages (indicate designation, scale of pay and no. of persons) 2. Consumable 3. Travel. 4. Other Costs B. Non-Recurring : Permanent Equipment Grand Total (A + B) Note : In case Pls are from different institutions, separate budget requirements should be furnished. 24. Permanent Equipment* S. No Generic name of equipment and accessories Model Imported/ Indigenous Estimated cost Justification for each equipment 25. Consumable Materials* Item Year1 Year2 Year3 Total Justification for each item 26. Travel* Item Year1 Year2 Year3 Total Justification *Justification for the requirement of each item including installation charges, inland, transport, etc. DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART V : DECLARATION/CERTIFICATION It is certified that a) the same project has not been submitted to any other agency/agencies for financial support/or already not completed with the financial support from other funding agencies. b) the scale of pay, allowance, etc. proposed are those admissible to persons of corresponding status employed in the Institute/University/NGO/Voluntary Organisation, and are in accordance with the guidelines on emoluments for research personnel as contained in Annexure - III c) it is agreed that any research outcome or intellectual property right(s) on the invention(s) arising out of the project shall be taken in accordance with the instructions issued with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, as contained in Annexure-V. d) the institute welcomes participation of Dr./Shri/Smt./Km............. as the Principal Investigator and Dr./Shri/Smt./Km................. as the Co-Investigator for the project and that in the unforeseen event of discontinuance by the Principal Investigator, the Co-Investigator will assume responsibility of the fruitful completion of the project (with due intimation to DBT). Signature of Executive Authority of Institute/ University with Seal with date Signature of Principal-Investigator with date Signature of Co-Investigator with date DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited PagesPART VI : PROFORMA FOR BIO-DATA OF INVESTIGATORS 27. Name ______________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________ Sex ______SC/ST __________ Designation _________________________________________________ Department _________________________________________________ Institute/University ___________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________Pin __________________________Telephone ___________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________________ Education (Post-graduation onwards) & Professional Career Sl No University/Institution Degree Awarded Year Award /Prize/ Certificate 28. Research Experience in various institutions (if necessary, attach separate sheets). 29. Publications (number only) Books Research Papers/ Reports General Articles Patents Others (Please specify) Note : Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators should provide their bio data in this format. DocumentsPDFCompleteClick Here & UpgradeExpanded FeaturesUnlimited Pages30. List of other ongoing projects/programmes aiming at women upliftment/welfare. Sl. No. Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration From To No. of Scientists/ Associates working Under the project Total approved cost of the Project (in Lakhs) Place : Date : Signature of the Investigator - 9
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30 |
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