SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA STC , .............. ................. ...........PIN ... Tel No : ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 200 - 200 CENTRE PHOTO I. INTRODUCTION a. The date of starting the Centre. b. Disciplines at the Centre. c. Brief about the popularity of the disciplines in the centre d. Brief about the outstanding performance of sports persons in the area. II. FACILITIES AVAILABLE a. Accommodation b. Training III. STATEMENT OF STRENGTH OF TRAINEES Sl. No Discipline Residential Non Residential TOTAL B G B G B G IV. DETAILS OF STAFF / COACHES : SL.NO Name of the Staff / Coach Designation 1 DD /AD/ AO 2 Coaches 3 4 5 6 Administrative Staff 7 8 9 V. ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRE a. Selection of new trainees. b. Steps taken to maintain the Infrastructure c. Construction works / Repair works undertaken d. Procurements made during the year e. Mention the instances where the financial powers delegated have been exercised. f. Physical stock verification report g. Achievement of Physical & Financial targets with reference to the action plan h. Audit observations and replies furnished with pending paras. i. Functions / Seminars / Workshops organized during the year VI. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN BROAD PHYSICAL TERMS VII. MAJOR PROBLEMS FACED DURING THE YEAR VIII. STRATEGIES ADOPTED TO OVER COME THE PROBLEMS IX. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE SPORTS PERSONS FOR THE YEAR .... DISCIPLINE WISE WITH ACTION PHOTOGRAPHS