SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA NETAJI SUBHAS SOUTHERN CENTRE, BANGALORE-560 056 NAME OF THE CENTRE : .................. YEARLY ACTION PLAN FOR THE YEAR 200 - 200 1. STATUS OF ACCOMMODATION a. Whether Hostel is situated in Stadium / Independent building . b. No of Rooms with measurement : c. Type of Accommodation : d. Trainees per room : e. Total No of trainees : 2. STRENGTH OF TRAINEES ( PHYSICAL TARGET ) Sl. No Discipline Residential Non Residential TOTAL B G B G B G TOTAL Indicate specifically a. Vacancy position of residential trainees b. What action is proposed to fill up the vacancy 3. FINANCIAL TARGET ( Utilisation of Budget allocated ) a. First Quarter = 25 % ( April,May,June ) b. Second Quarter = 25 % ( July,Aug,Sept) c. Third Quarter = 25 % ( Oct,Nov,Dec ) d. Fourth Quarter = 25 % ( Jan,Feb,March ) PROVISIONAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR Sl.No Budget Code Budget Head Expdr of Previous Year Budget for Current year 1 254.0100 Boarding / Lodging Expenses 2 254.0200 Sports Kit 3 254.0300 Educational Expenses 4 254.0400 Competition Exposure ( Domestic ) 5 254.0600 Stipend 6 254.0700 Sports Equipment ( Consumables ) 7 254.0800 Other Misc Expdr - Medical Other Misc Expdr - Insurance Other Misc Expdr SUB TOTAL 11 254.1100 Annual Maintenance & Running Expdr 1 Post & Telegraph 2 Telephone & Telex 3 Water Charges 4 Electricity Charges 5 Hire Of Vehicle / Conveyance 6 Repair /Maintenance of Furniture & Fixtures 7 Maint of Kitchen Equipment 8 Maint. Of Office Equipment 9 Misc.Exp General 10 Miantenance of SAI Training Centre 11 Honorarium to Doctor 12 Printing & Stationery 13 Maintenance of Playfields 14 Bank Charges 15 Laundry Charges 16 Purchase of Linen Items 17 Advertisement Charges 18 Newspaper & Magazines 19 Hospitality 20 Liveries & Badges 21 Affiliation & Registration 22 Maint. Of Sports Equipment 272.0102 Purchase of Furniture & Fixtures 272.0202 Purchase of Office Equipment 272.0302 Purchase of Kitchen Equipments 272.0402 Purchase of Sports Equipment 272.0602 Others SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FIRST QUARTER SL.NO PARTICULARS TARGET DATE REMARKS 01. Admission of New Trainees 02. Admissions of Trainees to Schools / Colleges 03. Review of all yearly purchase / AMC contracts and if due action to be taken 04. FINALISATION OF REQUIREMENTS a. Sports Kit b. Furniture & Fixtures / Kitchen Equip. / Hostel equipment / Office Equipment 05. FINALISATION OF COMPETITION CALENDER a. State Competitions b. National Competitions c. Inter SAI / Inter Hostel d. Other tournaments / competitions CALENDER OF EVENTS FOR THE YEAR a. Motor Ability / Scientific tests b. Functions / Seminars c. Other events 06. Quarterly Performance Analysis a. Report on each trainee along with detailed observations including minutes of the meeting in specified format b. Statement of Strength of trainees discipline wise and scheme wise c. Performance of the trainees in various competitions in the specified format 5th of First Month of 2nd Quarter(July) 07. Financial Progress review of 1st Qtr 08. Physical Stock Verification SECOND QUARTER SL.NO PARTICULARS TARGET DATE REMARKS 01. Feedback report of Trainees for 1st Qtr 02. FINALISATION OF REQUIREMENTS a. Minor repair works - civil & electrical b. Consumable & Non consumable Sports Equipment 03. Completion of Payments of Sl.No 4 of first quarter 04. Disbursement of Educational Expenses 05. Quarterly Performance Analysis a. Report on each trainee along with detailed observations including minutes of the meeting in specified format b. Statement of Strength of the trainees discipline wise and scheme wise c Performance of the trainees in various competitions in the specified format 5th of First Month of 3rd Quarter(Oct) 06. Financial Progress review of 1st & 2nd Qtr 07. Physical Stock Verification THIRD QUARTER SL.NO PARTICULARS TARGET DATE REMARKS 01. Feedback report of Trainees for 2nd Qtr 02. Completion of all procurements / requirements projected in 1st and 2nd qtr 03. Selection of trainees for admission for next academic year 04. Quarterly Performance Analysis a. Report on each trainee along with detailed observations including minutes of the meeting in specified format b. Statement of Strength discipline wise and scheme wise c. Competition performance of trainees in specified format 5th of First Month of 4th Quarter(Jan) 05. Financial Progress review of 1st , 2nd Qtr and 3rd Qtr 06. Physical Stock Verification FOURTH QUARTER SL.NO PARTICULARS TARGET DATE REMARKS 01. Yearly Performance Analysis and finalization of retention / non retention process 28th FEB 02. Annual Review of progress of the centre 03. Action Plan for next year 04. Yearly Feedback of Trainees 05. Preparation & Submission of Annual Report of the Centre 06. Physical Stock Verification MONTHLY ACTION PLAN SL.NO PARTICULARS TARGET DATE 01. Preparation & Compilation of Monthly Accounts & sent to RO 3rd of the succeeding Month 02. Preparation of Monthly Report & Newsletter & sent to RO 5th of the succeeding Month 03. Conduct of Monthly review meeting with Staff , Coaches and Trainees Last week of the Month 04. Monthly Performance updation in SMS & sent to RO 8th of the succeeding Month 05. Compliance report on all approvals / sanctions / instructions of RO 10th of the succeeding Month