R FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED BY THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION IN CASE OF RENEWAL OF POST-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP 1. Certificate for Renewal of Scholarship for the year............. 2. Certified that Mr./Miss.................... religion belonging to ...........was in receipt of Post-Matric Scholarship while pursuing the course for last .......... ( ) years as detailed below: Duration of the course ...................... Year Year of study Whether applied for scholarship If so, Amount of scholarship in receipt and upto the month of Outcome of the Exam. He/she has appeared. Remarks/ Reasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 1st year 20 - 20 2nd year 20 - 20 3rd year 20 - 20 4th year 20 - 20 After successful completion of the courses of study of 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year during the year ......... he/she has been promoted to the next higher class in the year ......... Hence, he/she is entitled to get Post-Matric Scholarship subject to his/her continuance in the next class and courses of study in the following year(s). The applicant is required to pay compulsory fees (excluding hostel rent and other incidental charges) amounting to Rs. .................... (in words). To this institution for the current year from ......... to .......... As per details given below: Particulars of all non-refundable compulsory fees payable by the applicant Rate (Rs.) Amount actually payable by the applicant to the institution (Rs.) REMARKS Tuition Examination Games Library Medical Any other Total Any other compulsory non-refundable fees paid by the applicant to the institution be indicated here. No fee should be given without details. Attested copies of documents in support of payment of other fees (non-refundable fees) paid by the applicant to the institution should be enclosed with this Certificate. Signature of the Head of the Institution with seal and date