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Download Combined Application Form for Establishment Of Industries

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DepartmentIndustries Department
TitleCombined Application Form for Establishment Of Industries
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Schedule I 1. This format is to be used for submission to the State Government for Assistance to set up industries, under Orissa Industries (Facilitation) Act, 2004 as amended from time to time. 2. The copy of Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM) of Government of India as per press note No. 4 of 1998 dated 15.6.1998 may be submitted for Large & Medium / Mega industries duly attested by Authorised Signatory of the Industrial Unit. 3. The application should be submitted to the Secretariat for High Level Clearance Authority/ State Level Single Widow Clearance Authority/ District Level Clearance Authority along with a crossed demand draft for Rs.________/-drawn in favour of the "______________________________", payable at the State Bank of India, _____________ Branch, ____________. For Official Use only Date Serial Number Date Month Year Details of Bank Draft Date Month Year (Name of the Bank) PART A - General Information 1. Name of Unit 2. Address for Communication Telephone FAX PIN E-mail 3. Category of Unit - (SSI - 1, ANC - 2, SSSBE - 3, TINY - 4, EOU - 5, L & M - 6, MEGA - 7) 5. Type of Organisation (Proprietary - 1, Partnership - 2, Pvt. Company - 3, Cooperative - 4, Others - 5) 6. Nature of Activity (Manufacturing / Assembly - 01, Processing - 02, Job Work - 03, Repairing / Servicing - 08) 7. Main items of manufacture / activities (Addition sheet, if required, to be attached) NIC Code* Name iii) *Plant and Machinery (Details to be attached) a) Indigenous b) Imported Sub Total iv) Other fixed assets Total 9. Employment i) Managerial & Office Staff ii) Supervisory & Workers 10. Date of Commencement of Production (expected) 11. Whether the unit is Seasonal - 1, Continuous - 2 12. Whether the unit will work on General - 1, Two shift - 2, Round the clock - 3 Signature of Applicant (Authorised Person) Name of Proprietor / Partner / Managing Director Details of Plant & Machinery (to be attached if required) Indigenous Imported Sl Name of the Machinery Value (Rs. in '000) Sub total Sl Name of the Machinery Value (Rs. in '000) Sub total Total Signature of Applicant (Authorised Person) Name of Proprietor / Partner / Managing Director Annexure I Computation of Value of Plant & Machinery for determination of SSI status I. For determining the SSI status the investment in plant & machinery only limits to Rs. one crore (Rs. Five crores in specialized items; details of items given below) II. In calculating the value of plant and machinery for the purpose of determination of SSI status, the original price thereof, irrespective of whether the plant & machinery are new or secondhand, shall be taken into account. III. In calculating the value of plant and machinery, the followings shall be excluded, namely :­ i) The cost of equipments such as tools, jigs, dies moulds and spare parts for maintenance and the cost of consumable stores. ii) The cost of installation of plant & machinery. iii) The cost of Research and Development ( R&D) equipment and pollution control equipment. iv) The cost of generation sets, extra transformer etc. installed by the undertaking as per the regulation of the State Electricity Board. v) The bank charges and service charges paid to the National Small Industries Corporation of the State Small Industries Corporation; vi) The cost involved in procurement or installation of cables, wiring, bus, bars, electrical control canels (not those mounted on individual machines), oil circuits breakes/miniature circuit breakers etc. which are necessarily to be used for providing electrical power to the plant and machinery / safety measures. vii) The cost of gas producer plant; viii) Transportation charges (excluding of taxes e.g. Sales tax, excise etc.) for indigenous machinery from the place of manufacturing to the site of the factory­ ix) Charges paid for technical know-how for erection of plant and machinery. x) Cost of such storage tanks which store raw materials finished products only and are not linked with the manufacturing process; and xi) Cost of fire fighting equipments. iii. In the case of imported machinery, the following shall be included in calculating the value, namely : i) Import duty (excluding miscellaneous expenses and transportation from the port to the site of the factory, demurrage paid at the port) : ii) The shipping charges. iii) Customs charges. iv) Customs clearance charges : and v) Sales Tax. List of Specialized Items in SSI Sector having investment of Rs 5 crore in Plant & Machinery Product Name of the items Code 260101 Cotton cloth knitted 260102 Cotton vests knitted 260103 Cotton socks knitted 260104 Cotton undergarments knitted 260106 Cotton shawls knitted 260199 Other cotton knitted wears 260201 Woolen cloth knitted 260202 Woolen vestes knitted 260203 Woolen socks knitted 260204 Woolen scarves knitted 260205 Woolen undergarments knitted 260206 Woolen caps knitted 260207 Woolen shawls knitted 260208 Woolen gloves 260207 Woolen mufflers knitted 260299 Other woolen knitted wears. Art silk / main made Fibre Hosiery 260310 1. Synthetic knitted socks and stocking. 260302 2. Synthetic knitted underwears such as vest, briefs and drawer 260304 3. Synthetic knitted outerwears such as jersey slipovers, pullover, cardigans and jackets. 260308 4. Synthetic knitted children wear such baby suits, knicker, frock, underwear and outerwear. 26030901 5. Synthetic knitted fabrics except high pile fabric made by sliver knitting, and synthetic knitted blankets. 260311 6. Synthetic knitted swim wear such as trunk and costume. 260312 7. Synthetic knit wear such as scraf, muffler, shawl, cap, ties, blouse and jean. 260313 8. Synthetic knitted shirt, T-shirt, Collar shirt and sports-skirts. 260314 9. Synthetic knitted hose. 260315 10. Synthetic knitted gas mantle fabric 260316 11. Other synth etic knitwear 343101 Hacksaw frames 343102 Pliers 343103 Screw drivers 343104 Spanners 343106 Hammers 343108 Anvils 343109 Wood working saws 343111 Wrenches 343112 Knives and shearing blades (all types including those of metal, paper, bamboo and wood for manual operations) 343113 Nail pullers 343114 Chisels 343115 Pincers 343116 Wire cutters 343199 Other hand tools for blacksmithy, carpentry, hand forging, foundry etc". "Stationery Sector " 319911 Writing inks and fountain pen inks 387101 Ball point pens. 387103 Fountain pens. 387104 Pen nibs 387105 Fountain pens and ball pens components excluding metallic tips. 387201 Pencils 387401 Hand stapling machine 387501 Paper pins 387601 Carbon paper 38760210 Typewriter ribbon for mechanical typewriters 387901 Hand numbering machines 387903 Pencil sharpeners 387907 Penholders Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Sector 31060101 Para amino phenol-Indl. Grade. 310628 Pyrazolones 310650 Benzyl benzoate 310658 Niacinamide 313125 Paracetamol 31315801 Methyl parabens and sodium salt stating from para hydroxy benzoic acid 31315901 Ethyl parabens and sodium salt starting from para hydroxy benzoic acid. 31319501 Propyle parabens and sodium salt starting from para hydroxy benzoic acid. 3131960 Calcium gluconate 310126 Aluminium hydroxide gel". PART B - Information on Infrastructure Required 1. Extent of Land required (in Square Meters) Existing Proposed b) IDCO Land c) Government Land d) Acquisition of Private Agricultural Land e) Acquisition of Private Industrial Land Land taken on Rent f) /Lease Ant Other category off) Land (Forest Land, Schedule area etc. including unidentified land , please specify) * In case of conversion of agricultural land for industrial purpose, is the applicant entitled for exemption of premium as per provision of IPR. 2. Power (in KVA/ KW) Existing Proposed a) Source of Power Single phase - 1, Three Phase - 2 i) Electricity Company ii) Others iii) Own Generation iv) DG Set Total b) In case of Electricity Company CR No. if addition to existing supply c) Purpose (Commercial/ Industrial/ water Supply / Temporary) 3. Water a) Requirement (in K. Ltrs per day) Existing Proposed b) Source of water supply Existing Proposed i) ii) iii) Total c) Plot No. , Khata No. & Mouza (in case of ground water) d) Particulars of land ( f or laying of pipeline) 4. Communication a) Roadways to be used b) i) Distance from Railhead (to be used) ii) Details of Rail sidings (if required) c) Port to be used d) Airport to be used 5. Mines (if required) Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ PART C (Additional particulars required by OSPCB to issue Consent for Establishment under Air and Water Act) 1. Particulars of human habitation within 500 mtrs. Of the factory (Pl. tick which ever is applicable) : Human Settlement / agriculture / highway / river, stream / forest / sanctuary / park / pond / lake / dam / estuary / sea / hills / mountain / industries. 2. Name of the raw -materials and : chemicals used per month Sl. No. Raw-materials / chemicals Quantity used per month 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. Water requirement / treatment / disposal : 4. Details of solid waste generated : Sl. No Purpose Sources (River/well / groundwat er / others) Qty. / day Waste Water Treatment Planned Point / place of final discharge (land / sever / drain / surface water /soak pit) Typ e Qty.(K L/day) 1. Mfg. 2. Process 3. 4. Boiler feed Cooling 5. Washing 6. Domestic Others TOTAL Sl. No. 1. Sources of generation Mfg. Process Qty. / day Nature (lumps / granules/slurr/ sludge / dust) Mode of disposal Type of waste (organic / inorganic / ash/glass/metal etc.) 2. Effluent treatment 3. Air pollution control device 4. Others 5. Proposal for waste water re-circulation / re-use - type and quantity 6. Sources of air pollution and control measures proposed : i) ii) iii) 7. Fuel Consumption 8. No. of persons residing in the factory premises : Sl Fuel consumption (Qty./day Coal Diesel Furnace Oil Natural Gas Others Gas (Specify) a) Daily consumption b) Calorific value c) Ash content % d) Sulphur content % e) Other (Specify) 9. Details of STACK S T A C K Nos. a) Attached to : 1 2 3 4 b) Fuel type : c) Fuel quantity : d) Material of construction : e) Stack height i) Above the roof (in mtrs.) : ii) Above the ground (in mtrs.) : f) Diameters / size, in meters : g) Gas quantity (m3 / hr.) : h) Gas temperature (oC) : i) Exit gas velocity, m/sec. : 10. List of Reaction Vessels / Boilers / Furnace / Heating Chambers / Kiln etc. Name Nos. Capacity Stack height from Ground level (mtrs.) 12. No. of DG sets to be installed and individual capacity : 13. Other types of pollutions and control measures : Type Control Measures 1. Thermal 2. Odour 3. Radio active Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ PART D (Additional particulars required by the Commercial Tax Dept. for issue of Regn. Nos. under Orissa Sales Tax (OST) / Central Sales Tax (CST) / Orissa Entry Tax (OET) / Orissa State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings & Employments (OST P TC & E) Acts, and Enrolment No. under OST P T C & E Act.) 1. Registration under the Acts; Sections/ Rules (Put a tick mark whichever is applicable) 2. Particulars of all other places of Business / Sales outlets / Branches / Godowns / ware houses etc. 3. Particulars of bank accounts. 4. Particulars of immovable properties owned by the dealer/ promoter (whether in Orissa or OST Act U/S 9 U/S 9 -A U/S 9-C OET Act U/S 4 OSPT & ET Act U/S 4(1)/6(1) U/S 5(1)/8(2) For both (For Registration) (For Enrolment) Sl. No. Type of Business (Branches / godowns/ warehouses etc.) Name & full address Tel. No. FAX E-mail a) B Sl. No. Bank Branch Address Account No. a) b) c) elsewhere in India). In case of Partnership, particulars in respect of all the partners should be furnished. Description Location Nature and extent of Estimated proprietary right Value 5. Particulars of maintenance of accounts : a) b) c) Language used Accounting Year Periodicity of closure : : : English / Oriya / Hindi/ Others (Please Specify) Jan-Dec./ Apr.-Mar./Jul-Jun./ Any other period Monthly / Quarterly / Half-yearly / Yearly 6. Particulars of registration certificates, if any, under the Orissa Sales Tax Act and the Central Sales Tax Act held by the dealer/ promoter or any partner or any of the member or any Director or any other person associated with business carried on by the dealer/ promoter 7. Registration if any made in the concerned Sales Tax Act of any other State of India (Reference No. to be given) 8. Sales Tax dues, if any, outstanding against the dealer/ promoter, or any partner, any member or any Director or any person associated with business carried on by the dealer/ promoter. 9. The Gross Turnover of the business (including that at its branches) during the period not exceeding twelve months, commencing from ____________ and ending on _____________ is Rs. ________ ( in case of application U/S 9 or U/S 9 -A of the OST Act) 10. Details of the goods being dealt or proposed to be dealt in, which fall under any of the schedules under the OET Act, 1999. 11. Class of Employer. Put tick mark below the appropriate heading whichever is applicable. (For the purpose of OSPTC & ET Act) 12. Number of employees for which deduction of tax will be effected u/s 5 of the Act (For the purpose of OSPTC & ET Act) 13. Amount of tax payable by the applicant under OSTPTC & ET Act per annum Rs. _________ (If the applicant is himself an assessee under the OSTPTC & ET Act.) 14. Income Tax PAN No. of the dealer/ promoter and persons having interest in the business. (a) PAN No. of the dealer/ promoter____________ (b) PAN No. of the persons having interest in the business 15. Name and address of the two reference : Sl No Name of the dealer/ promoter OST RC Number / CST RC Number Date of Issue Name of the Circle under which the dealer/ promoter is presently assessed Name & Address of the Proprietor/ Partner/ Chairman/ Managing Director Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sl. No. Name of the dealer/ promoter Name of the where registered State Registration No. Name Circle of the Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year to which the dues relate Whether under OST Act or CST Act RC Number Amount outstanding Reasons for outstanding Signature of the person against whom the dues are outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 Individual Firm Company Corporation Society Club Association Class of Persons Rate of Tax Number of Employees Amount payable every month Monthly Salaries/ Wages (i) Do not exceed Rs 5000/­ (ii) Exceeds Rs. 5000/-but do not exceed Rs. 6000/- (iii) Exceeds Rs. 6000/-but do not exceed Rs.8000/- (iv) Exceeds Rs.8000/-but do not exceed Rs.10000/- (v) Exceeds Rs.10000/-but do not exceed Rs.15000/- (vi) Exceeds Rs.15000/-but do not exceed Rs.20000/- (vii) Exceeds Rs.20000/- Sl. No. Name Residential address Phone Office Residence Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ The Central Sales Tax (Registration & Turnover) Rules, 1957 FORM - A (See rule 3) Application for registration under Section 7(1)/7(2) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 To I, ______________________________ Son of _______________________ on behalf of the dealer carrying on the business known as ___________________ within the State of ________ hereby apply for a certificate of registration under section 7(1)/7(2) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, and give the following particulars for this purpose:­ 1. Name of the person deemed to be the Manager in : relation to the business of the dealer in the said State. 2. Status or relationship of the person who makes this : application (e.g., manager, partner, proprietor, director, officer-in-charge of the Government business). 3. Name of the principal place of the business in the said State and address thereof. 4. Name(s) of the other place(s) in the said State in which : business in carried on and address of every such place. 5. Complete list of the warehouses in the said State in : which the goods relating to the business are warehoused and address of every such warehouse. 6. List of the places of business in each of the other States : together with the address of every such place ( if separate application for registration has been made, or separate registration obtained under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, in respect of any such place of business, particulars thereof should be given in details). 7. The business is Wholly Mainly Partly Partly Partly Here enter the authority specified in the general or special order issued by the Central Government under section 7(1) of the Act. Here enter the nam e and style under which the business is carried on Here enter the name of the State in which the application for registration is made. Enter here whether business is wholly agriculture, horticulture, mining, manufacturing, wholesale distribution, retail distribution, contracting or catering, etc., or any combination of two or more of them. 8. Particulars relating to the registration, licence, : permission, etc. issued under any law for the timing in force, of the dealer. 9. We are members of + 10. We keep our accounts in ______________________ language and the script. * Name(s) and address(es) of the proprietor of the : 11. business / partners of the business / all person having any interest in the business together with their age, father's name, etc. 12. Business i n respect of which this application is made, was first started on _______________ 13. The first sale in the course of inter-State trade was affected on _________________ 14. We observe the **________________________ calendar and for purposes of accounts our year runs from the(English date ) ++ ____________day of __________ (Indian date) ___________ day of ____________ to the (English date / India date) _______________ day of __________. 15. We make up our accounts sales to date at the end of every month / quarter / half-year / year. # 16. The following goods or classes of goods are purchased by the dealer in the course of inter- Sl. No. Name in full Father's / husband's name Age Extent of interest in the business Present address Permanent address Signature ^ Signature ^ and address of witness attesting signature in Col. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 State trade or commerce for - a) [resale _______________________] b) use in the manufacture or processing of goods for sale __________________ c) use in mining ___________________________ d) use in the generation or distribution of electricity or any other form of power e) use in the packing of goods for sale / resale _______________ 17. We manufacture. Process, or extract in mining the following classes of goods or generate or distribute the following form of power, namely : ____________________________ 18. The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name of the applicant in full ___________________ Signature _____________ Status in relation to the dealer ________________ Date _______________ Strike out portion or paragraph whichever is not applicable. + Here enter the name of the Camber of Commerce, Trade Association or commercial body, of which the dealer is a member. * To be filled in if the applicant is not a company ^ Signature of each of the persons concerned should be obtained and attested. ** Enter here English, Bengali, Fasli, Hijra, Marwari or other calendar followed ++ In filling of these entries dealers who do not observe the English calendar should give the dates accordingly to their own calendar and the corresponding date of the English calendar. # Here name the goods or classes of goods against each category. I. The words "incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), or under any other law" were omitted by G.S.R. 26(E), dated 1.2.1974. II. Subs. By G.S.R. 896, dated 23.9.1958. LIST OF CLEARANCE(S) UNDER COMBINED APPLICATION FORM FOR ESTABLISHMENT & ENCLOSURE(S) REQUIRED (Please indicate Y or N or NA in the box for 'Yes' or 'No' or 'Not Applicable' as the case may be against the respective clearances required) PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION 1. Detail Project Report in case of investment in Plant & Machinery more than Rs.40 lakh and Project Profile for others. I D C O/ GOVERNMENT LAND 1. Land documents like Registration / lease/ rent Deed (if existing) 2. Building plan drawn to scale indicating set backs. 3. Detailed Land Use Plan 4. Fees (if any). FACTORIES AND BOILERS 1. Plans of factory buildings drawn to the scale [in duplicate] showing . Site of the factory . Immediate surrounding buildings, roads, drains, etc. . Elevation and necessary cross sections of various buildings, natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. . Position of the plant & machineries, aisles and passage ways. 2. A flow chart of manufacturing process with details . Chemicals used at various stages . Removal of dust, fumes, gases, trade wastes and effluents 3. In case of existing building, certificate of stability issued by a person possessing a degree in Civil or Structural Engineering. 4. DD no. _____________ dtd. _____________ for Rs. ______ issued by _____________ Bank ___________ drawn in favour of Director of Factories and Boilers in Orissa towards the plan approval fee (for fees structure, refer the Orissa Gazette Extra Ordinary No.357 dt.26.3.1998. POLLUTION CONTROL 1. Land documents like Registration / lease/ rent Deed (if existing) 2. Layout map of factory building along with list of pollution control / monitoring equipments. 3. Project report indicating the proposed capital investment in Pollution Control Measures. 4. Site Plant / Location map / Lay-out plant showing the location of stacks (Chimneys), effluent treatment plant, effluent disposal area, air pollution control devices, hazardous waste treatment and disposal areas. 5. Flow chart of manufacturing of process for each product with quantity of emission / discharge of pollutants. 6. DD No. ___________ dtd. ________ for Rs. ____________ drawn on _____________ in favour of OSPCB towards consent to establish fee under Water and Air Act separately. COMMERCIAL TAX 1. Memorandum and Articles of Association and certificate of incorporation, partnership deed and registration certificate. 2. Purchase / leased / rental deed of the premises. 3. Attested true copies of documents in respect of immovable properties owned by the partners / owners. 4. PAN No. 5. Two copies of recent passport size photograph of the only applicant. 6. Two sheets containing specimen signature of the applicant duly attested by the Gazetted Officer (No photographs and specimen signature are required in case of Cost, societies and Co-op societies. 7. A DD / crossed cheque for Rs.____________ towards issue of Registration Certificates and Security Deposit. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY 1. Site plan with proposed location details 2. Estimation for connection 3. Security Deposit based on load factor 4. Prescribed Form for execution of agreement with Division Officer of Electricity Supply Company duly signed by the authorized signatory of the unit WATER SUPPLY 1. Lay-out drawing of the premises showing the holding / ward / plot no., point of connection, length and diameter of the pipe / sewer lines and position of fixtures, inspection chambers and existing sewer lines and manholes in indelible ink. This drawing should be signed by registered PHD contractor and the owner. 2. Update Municipal holding receipt. 3. Approved building drawings - in duplicate, attested by the authorized signatory of the unit (original should be produced for verification and return) 4. Record of Rights of land in Original to be produced for verification 5. Non-refundable fees for scrutiny of plan and supervision as per the chart. CLEARANCE FROM LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES 1. Site plan of the land (in duplicate) (refer Rule 527 of OMR 1953) 2. Building plan showing ground plan of each floor elevations and sections of the building signed by the architect / licenced builder / an engineer / a Surveyor (refer Rule 529 to 54f9 of OMR 1953). 3. Specification of work as specified in Appendix II of IMR 1953 (in duplicate) 4. A certificate from the Executive Officer / Director of Town Planning or other Officer as authorized stating that the building site is in accordance with development plan of the Municipality duly approved by the Council. CLEARANCE FROM LOCAL BODIES No additional document required CLEARANCE FROM JURISDICTIONAL FIRE OFFICER Building Plan indicating location of fire fighting equipment arrangements APPROVAL FOR TOURISM RELATED PROJECTS No additional document required APPROVAL FOR SETTING UP OF IT INDUSTRIES No additional document required Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ PART E : SPECIAL CLEARANCES SPECIAL CLEARANCES AS GIVEN BELOW, IF REQUIRED (Separate form in duplicate as available with Nodal Agency to be attached) Clearance 1. Licence for storage of minerals 2. Licence for storage of explosives 3. Licence under Drug & Cosmetics 4. Licence for Compounding, Blending & Bottling of Foreign Liquor Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Received the Combined Application Form No. .........from M/s ............. ........................... in complete shape containing ....pages for obtaining for following clearances for establishment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Place: Date: Authorised Representative of Nodal Agency For District / State level Authority. Schedule II 1. This format is to be used for submission to the State Government for Assistance to operate industries, under Industrial Facilitation Act, 2004 as amended from time to time. 2. The application should be submitted to the Secretariat for High Level Clearance Authority/ State Level Single Widow Clearance Authority/ District Level Clearance Authority in dulicate along with a crossed demand draft for Rs.________/-drawn in favour of the "______________________________", payable at the State Bank of India, _____________ Branch, ____________. For Official Use only Serial Number Date 1. Details of Bank Draft Drawn on (Name of the Bank) Payable at II. Name and Address for correspondence of the Promoter / Industrial Undertaking in full (BLOCK LETTERS) III. Register of Companies Registration Number (if registered) IV. Status of the Promoter / Industrial Undertaking (1) Status of the Promoter / Industrial Undertaking (Please tick the appropriate box) Non-Resident Indian Proprietorship Women Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Minority (2) Indicate whether this proposal is for (Please tick the appropriate box) Establishment of a New Undertaking Effecting Substantial Expansion Manufacture of New Articles * Please specify in a separate sheet Partnership Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Others* * Please specify in a separate sheet Change of Location Change of Ownership / name of company Graduation to Medium Scale Others* (3) Whether the proposal is in lieu of any other Proposal already Acknowledged by any of the nodal agencies under the Act Yes No (If, Yes, indicate the previous reference number and date, attach the previous reference in original) Reference NO. Date V. Location PIN Code VI. Scale/ Size Industrial Undertaking Small Scale Industries (Project Cost < Rs. 3 crores) Medium or Large (Project Cost > Rs. 3 crores but < Rs. 50 crores Mega Industries (Project Cost > Rs. 50 crores) (2) Please indicate whether the Location is (a) Within 25 Km from the periphery of a City having Population above one million according to 1991 Census Yes No (b) Located in an Industrial area / Industrial Estate Designated / Set up prior Yes No VI. Item(s) of Manufacture : In case of more than one item supplementary sheets may be used. (Specimen of supplem­entary sheet is enclosed) (1) Item of Manufacture* (a) National Industrial Classification of all Economic Activity (NIC), 1987 - NIC No. (b) Item Description (c) Annual Capacity (d) Existing Capacity (if applicable) (e) Total Capacity after Expansion (f) Unit of Capacity (2) Description of Activities to be Undertaken (if, no manufacturing envisaged) (3) By-Products / Co -products Item Description Annual capacity Existing capacity, (if applicable) Total Capacity after expansion Unit of Capacity Item Description Annual capacity Existing capacity, (if applicable) Total Capacity after expansion Unit of Capacity Item Description Annual capacity Existing capacity, (if applicable) Total Capacity after expansion Unit of Capacity * Not to be filled if no manufacturing is envisaged (4) Raw Material (including Components, Intermediates and Packing Materials) per annum ITEM(S) QUANTITY UNIT VALUE VII. Whether the Item(s) of Manufacture / by-product / co-product is covered in Schedule I (Reserved for Public Sector), Schedule II (Under compulsory Licensing) or Schedule III (Reserved for manufacture in Small Scale Sector) of Notification No.477(E) dated 25.7.1991/ as amended from time to time. Schedule I Schedule II Schedule III VIII. Investment Actual Investment (a) Land (for rented premises capitalised value of the same to be indicated (b) Building (c) Plant & Machinery (i) Indigenous (ii) Imported (a) CIF Value (b) Landed Cost (iii) Total [(i) + (ii)(b)] (d) Working Capital (e) Others, if any Total IX. Financing Pattern Actual (Amount in Rupees) Total Equity (i) Resident Indian (ii) Non Resident Indian (iii) Foreign Total Borrowings ( i) Public Financial Institution (ii) Public Borrowing (iii) Other Sources Promoters' Contribution (1) Whether Foreign Technology Agreement is obtained (Please tick appropriate box) Yes No (If yes, please indicate the details) X. Extent of Land acquired (in Square Meters) Actual 1. Own 2. IDCO Land 3. Government Land 4. Agricultural Converted Land 5. Rented 6. Others, if any Total a) Built up Area b) Open Area XI. Power (in KVA/ KW) 1. Electricity Company 2. Others 3. Own Generation 4. DG Set Total XII. Water Requirement (in K. Ltrs per day) 1. Industrial Use 2. Domestic Use 3. Others Total X. Employment XI. Date of Commencement of Commercial Production Date Month Year DECLARATION I/We hereby further declare that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Received the Combined Application Form No. .........from ............. ........................... complete shape containing ....pages for obtaining for following clearances for operation. M/s in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Place: Date: Authorised Representative of Nodal Agency For District / State level Authority. SPECIMEN Supplementary Sheet Referred to in Column VI VI . Item(s) of Manufacture (1) Item of Manufacture: (a) Item Code (NIC No) (b) Item Description (c) Annual capacity (f) Unit of Capacity (2) By-Product/Co-Products: Item Description Annual capacity Unit of Capacity Item Description Annual capacity Unit of Capacity Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ * To be filled wh erever applicable PART B (Additional particulars required by OSPCB/ Dir. F & B to issue Consent for Operation under Air and Water Act / Boilers) 1. Particulars of human habitation within : Human Settlement / agriculture / 500 mtrs. Of the factory (Pl. tick which highway / river, stream / forest / ever is applicable) sanctuary / park / pond / lake / dam / estuary / sea / hills / mountain / industries. 2. Name of the raw-materials and : chemicals used per month 3. Water requirement / treatment / disposal : 4. Details of solid waste generated : Sl. No. Raw-materials / chemicals Quantity used per month 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sl. No Purpose Sources (River/well / groundwat er / others) Qty. / day Waste Water Treatment Planned Point / place of final discharge (land / sewer / drain / surface water /soak pit) Typ e Qty.(K L/day) 1. Mfg. 2. Process 3. Boiler feed 4. Cooling 5. Washing 6. Domestic Others TOTAL Sl. No Sources of generation Qty. / day Nature (lumps / Mode of Type of waste (organic / . granules/slurry / sludge / dust) disposa l inorganic / ash/glass/metal etc.) 1. Mfg. Process 2. Effluent treatment 3. Air pollution control device 4. Others 4. Proposal for waste water re-circulation / re -use - type and quantity 5. Sources of air pollution and control measures proposed : i) ii) iii) 7. Fuel Consumption 8. No. of persons residing in the factory premises : 9. Working season / operation : Whole year / Seasonal (Specify the period) Sl Fuel consumption (Qty./day Coal Dies el Furnac e Oil Natural Gas Other s Gas (Specify) a) Daily consumption b) Calorific value c) Ash content % d) Sulphur content % e) Other (Specify) 10. Details of STACK : S T A C K Nos. a) Attached to : 1 2 3 4 b) c) Fuel type Fuel quantity : : d) e) Material of construction Stack height : i) Above the roof (in mtrs.) : ii) Above the ground (in mtrs.) : f) Diameters / size, in meters : g) Gas quantity (m3 / hr.) : h) Gas temperature (oC) : i) Exit gas velocity, m/sec. : 11. List of Reaction Vessels / Boilers / Furnace / Heating Chambers / Kiln etc. Name Nos. Capacity Stack height from Ground level (mtrs.) 14. No. of DG sets to be installed and individual capacity : 15. Other types of pollutions and control measures : Type Control Measures 1. Thermal 2. Odour 3. Radio active Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ LIST OF CLEARANCE(S) UNDER COMBINED APPLICATION FORM FOR OPERATION & ENCLOSURE(S) REQUIRED (Please indicate Yes - Y or No - N the box) PERMANENT REGIGTRATION CERTIFICATE 1. Documents indicating date of power supply 2. Invoice for first purchase of raw materials 3. Documents indicating date of first investment 4. Attested copies of OST & CST registration certificate 5. Copy of Agreement with Power Supply Company FACTORIES AND BOILERS 1. Plans of factory buildings drawn to the scale [in duplicate] showing . Site of the factory . Immediate surrounding buildings, roads, drains, etc. . Elevation and necessary cross sections of various buildings, natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. . Position of the plant & machineries, aisles and passage ways. 2. A flow chart of manufacturing process with details . Chemicals used at various stages . Removal of dust, fumes, gases, trade wastes and effluents 3. In case of existing building, certificate of stability issued by a person possessing a degree in Civil or Structural Engineering. 4. DD no. _____________ dtd. _____________ for Rs. ______ issued by _____________ Bank ___________ drawn in favour of Director of Factories and Boilers in Orissa towards the plan approval fee (for fees structure, refer the Orissa Gazette Extra Ordinary No.357 dt.26.3.1998. POLLUTION CONTROL 1. Land documents like Registration / lease/ rent Deed (if existing) 2. Layout map of factory building along with list of pollution control / monitoring equipments. 3. Project report indicating the proposed capital investment in Pollution Control Measures. 4. Site Plant / Location map / Lay-out plant showing the location of stacks (Chimneys), effluent treatment plant, effluent disposal area, air pollution control devices, hazardous waste treatment and disposal areas. 5. Flow chart of manufacturing of process for each product with quantity of emission / discharge of pollutants. 6. DD No. ___________ dtd. ________ for Rs. ____________ drawn on _____________ in favour of OSPCB towards consent to establish fee under Water and Air Act separately. Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ Schedule III Sl No. Declaration of self certification to be filed along with Combined Application Form (See Rule 3(4)) I .......................S/o / D/o / W/o............... aged ..... residing at ................................... who is the (Designation) ............ of M/s ....................... hereby give the following undertaking: Entry Level 1. Our firm/Company is proposing to set up a project at ..........., Village under ........ Block of .........District to manufacture/ to provide services as mentioned below. i) ii) iii) iv) v) 2. We certify that the particulars furnished in the Combined Application Form are true, correct, and complete to the best of our knowledge and undertake to adhere to the declarations made there under. The firm/ company shall be made liable for penal action as proposed under rule ______ of the Act ________, if the particulars furnished are found to be false/ incorrect or incomplete and our failure to adhere to the declarations made. Implementation Level 3. The firm / company hereby undertake to abide by the conditions specified in each of the clearance and our failure to comply with the requirements / conditions of clearances shall result in withdrawal / cancellation of the clearances and further, will make us liable for legal action as specified under the respective Act/ rules. Operation Level 4. The firm / company hereby undertake to comply with all the provisions of applicable Act/ rules/ regulations to our industry. 5. Any loss to personal or public property caused due to wrong certification by the firm/ company shall be liable to be borne by the firm / company. Place: Date: Signature of Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ Schedule IV REGISTER OF APPLICATIONS (See Rule 5(2)) Sl Name of the Industry & Location Name of the promoter & detailed address Items of produc t Date of Recei pt Details of Clearanc es applied for Expected date for grant of clearance s Signature on behalf of the promoter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Member Secretary of Nodal Agency For District / State level Authority. Schedule V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (See Rule 5(4)) Received the Combined Application Form No. .........from District / State level Single window Clearance Authority in complete shape containing ....pages for obtaining for according clearance(s) for establishment/ operation of M/s ................... on today. Place: Date: Authorised representative of the Statutory Authority along with Official seal Schedule VI TIME LIMIT FOR PROCESSING AND DISPOSAL OF APPLICATION (See Rule 5(5)) Sl Item Time limit prescribed 1. Issue of Provisional Registration -Certificate 2. Assurance for land (IDCO) ­ 3. Allotment of land by Government ­ 4. Permission of land conversion for ­industrial use 5. NOC from local bodies ­ 6. Approval of Panchayat concerned ­ 7. Approval from Town Planning -Organisation 8. Consent operate Industry from ­pollution board 9. Consent to set up industry - Air & -Water 10. 11 Issuing Hazardous Waste -Management Authorisation 12. Issuing Bio-medical Waste -Management Authorisation 13. Issuing Municipal Solid Waste -Management Authorisation 14. Issue of feasibility report from -Electricity Authority 15. Approval for installation of Boilers ­ 16. Consent to set up industry ­ 17. Provisional Registration under OST -Act 18. Permanent Registration under OST -Act 19. License under Drug & Cosmetics Act ­ 20. Approval from Tourism Department ­ 21. License to set up industry under -Excise Department 22. Storage permission/ NOC from -District Magistrate 23. Letter of Approval to setup IT -Industries 7 days 30 days 65 days 60 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 120 days Category A - 120 days Category B - 60 days Category C - 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 60 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 7 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 7 days Schedule VII SHOW CAUSE NOTICE FOR DEEMED APPROVAL (See Rule 7(1)) The final orders in respect of following applications, as detailed below, submitted to the statutory authority on date mentioned against each have not been received within the stipulated dated as at schedule VI. It is requested to indicated the reasons as to why the deemed approval as per Section 11 of the Act shall not be issued in favour of the concerned industry. Sl N o Name of the Unit Form No Type of clearanc e Designation of Statutory Authority Date of Submissi on Date as per stipulation in Schedule IV / revised by the Competent Authority Place: Date: Name & Designation of the Competent Authority along with seal Schedule VIII PROVISION FOR COMMUNICATION OF ORDERS OF DISTRICT LEVEL SINGLE WINDOW CLEARANCE AUTHORITY (See Rule 7(3)) To _____________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________. Sub: Approval / rejection of proposal The proposal received vide serial No. ...... for manufacturing / rendering services, as indicated below, has been approved / rejected (reasons for rejection to be indicated) by the District Level Single Window Clearance Authority. Sl Items of Products / Services Quantity Value (To be filled in for rejected cases) Reasons for rejection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place: Date: Signature of the Competent Authority along with official seal Name ............. Designation............ Schedule IX PROVISION FOR COMMUNICATION OF ORDERS OF STATE LEVEL SINGLE WINDOW CLEARANCE AUTHORITY (See Rule 7(3)) To _____________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________. Sub: Approval / rejection of proposal The proposal received vide serial No. ...... for manufacturing / rendering services, as indicated below, has been approved / rejected (reasons for rejection to be indicated) by the State Level Single Window Clearance Authority. Sl Items of Products / Services Quantity Value (To be filled in for rejected cases) Reasons for rejection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place: Date: Signature of the Competent Authority along with official seal Name ............. Designation............ Schedule X REFERRAL CASES OF DISTRICT LEVEL SINGLE WINDOW CLEARANCE AUTHORITY (See Rule 9(2)) To The Chairman, State Level Single Window Clearance Authority Sub: Referral cases of District Level Single Window Clearance Authority, _________.(District Name) Sir I am to forward herewith the list of applications either rejected or approved with modification during its sitting on _________(Date) along with the reasons thereof for the kind reference of the State Level Authority. Sl Serial No. of the Application Name & Address of the project Whether Rejected / Modified (details modification) or of Reasons for Rejection/ Modification 1 2 3 Yours faithfully, Place: Date: Chairman, District Level Single Window Clearance Authority, _________.(District Name) Schedule XI REFERRAL CASES OF STATE LEVEL SINGLE WINDOW CLEARANCE AUTHORITY (See Rule 9(3)) To The Chairman, High Level Single Window Clearance Authority Sub: Referral cases of State Level Single Window Clearance Authority. Sir I am to forward herewith the list of applications either rejected or approved with modification during its sitting on _________(Date) along with the reasons thereof for the kind reference of the High Level Authority. Sl Serial No. of the Application Name & Address of the project Whether Rejected / Modified (details modification) or of Reasons for Rejection/ Modification 1 2 3 Besides, the details of typical cases referred by District Level Authority are also given in the following format for your kind reference. Sl Serial No. of the Application Name of the District Name & Address of the project Whether Rejected / or Modified (details of modification) Reasons for Rejection/ Modification 1 2 3 Yours faithfully, Place: Date: Chairman, State Level Single Window Clearance Authority, Form for Communication from Statutory Authority to Competent Authority To The Chairman, District/ State/ High Level Single Window Clearance Authority Sub: Clearance in respect of M/s _____________________ (Name of the unit) for __________________(type of Clearance). Sir I am to forward herewith the list of applications either rejected or approved with modification during its sitting on _________(Date) along with the reasons thereof for your kind reference. Sl Serial No. of the Application Name & Address of the project Whether clearance accorded/ Rejected / or Modified (details of modification) Reasons for Rejection/ Modification, if any 1 2 3 Yours faithfully, Place: Date: Signature of Authorised person of the Statutory Authority along with office seal , . Format for on-line status of the clearances Sl Type of Clearance Date of submi­ssion of Applic­ation Date of receipt by Statutory Authority (Within 3 days) Present Status Date of seeking additional inform­ation by Statutory Authority, if any Last date for according Clearance Date of Letter No. & date of communication to the Promoter Appr -oval Deemed Appro-val 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note: These information will be available to promoters or his/her authorised representative in Government web-site on request with serial number of application and additional password allotted by the nodal agencies at the time of receipt of application. Form for appeal to Appellate Authority To The Chairman, High Level Authority/ State Level Single Window Clearance Authority. Sub: Appeal against the decision of *District Level Single Window Clearance Authority, __________ (district name)/ State Level Single Window Clearance Authority in respect of M/s _______________ (unit/ company name) Sir, The application of M/s __________________________ (unit/ company name) bearing serial No. _________ has been *rejected/approved with modification by *District Level Single Window Clearance Authority, ____________(district name)/ State Level Single Window Clearance Authority vide its letter No. ___________ dated ____________ (Copy enclosed). In this connection, a brief note on compliance to the objection along with a copy of the application is enclosed herewith for kind consideration of the Appellate Authority. Yours sincerely, Signature of *Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing Director/ Authorised Signatory in full on behalf of M/s ____________________ * Strike off if not applicable Form for communication by Appellate Authority To M/s _________________________ (Name & address of the unit / company) Ref: Serial Number of the application __ ______ The application dated _____________submitted by you for reconsideration has been *approved / approved with modification/ rejected by the *High Level Authority / State Level Single Window Clearance Authority as indicated below. Sl No Reasons indicated by the lower Authority for *rejecting / approving with modification Observation of the Appellate Authority Whether *approved / approved with modification/ rejected 1. 2. 3. Signature of the Competent Authority with official seal Memo No. ______________ dated ____________ Copy to Chairman, *District Level Single Window Clearance Authority, ____________ (concerned district) / State Level Single Window Clearance Authority for information and necessary action. Signature of the Competent Authority with official seal * Strike off if not applicable
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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