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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CPV DIVISION, DELHI How to fill Application Form? INSTRUCTIONS-SECTION III-COLUMN-WISE GUIDELINES FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM At the beginning of the Application Form there are boxes for affixing photograph, appending signature and thumb impression and giving details of payment of the fee. PHOTOGRAPHS: Recent passport size photographs (Three) in colour showing frontal view of full face are required. One photograph is to be pasted on form and two on the PP forms, which is to be filled in duplicate. Black and white photograph, photograph with coloured or dark glassess, Dark Background or in uniform, Polaroid prints or computer prints will not be accepted.The colour photographs should have a light background (preferably white) and should show the full face of the applicant frontally. In the box meant for affixing the photograph, please paste your recent and identical colour photograph of size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm.. Photograph should fit exactly in the box and in any case not smaller than the box provided in the form. For Jumbo booklets, two additional photographs are required. The photographs on the PP forms have to be cross signed by the applicant whereas photograph on First page of the form is NOT to be signed. Signature/thumb impression should be strictly within the box without touching the boundaries. Thumb impression should be of left hand in case of males and right hand in case of females. (Blue/ Black ball pen to be used for signatures). COLUMN 1 - NAME (WITH DOCUMENTARY PROOF) The name up to 75 character long name can be given and filled in the form. The full name as it should appear in the Passport should be furnished here. For example, Name: KARUR VAIKUNTA SUBRAMANIYAN RAMANATHAN PILLAI - Write the Surname as "PILLAI" in the boxes provided for Surname and put a comma and write "VAIKUNTA SUBRAMANIYAN RAMANATHAN" as the Given name in the rest of the columns. In case you do not have a surname, just write the given name. No initials should be written and they should be expanded. COLUMN 2 - If you have ever changed your name, please indicate the previous name in full. This will be applicable to a person who has even marginally changed the name or a lady who has changed her name / surname subsequent to the marriage. If there is no change in name at all, kindly write : Not applicable. COLUMN 3 -In case of Male/Female option, please write M or F as applicable in the box space provided. For others, please write 'X' in this box. COLUMN 4 - DATE OF BIRTH: The date of birth is filled as dd/mm/yyyy and in words as shown in the birth certificate issued by Municipal/Government Authorities. Proof of date of birth is to be attached. Please see Section IV concerning documents to be attached. COLUMN 5 - PLACE & COUNTRY OF BIRTH: In case born in India, please mention name of place like Village / Town, District, State and if born outside India, mention name of place and country. If born before partition of India, at a place, which now falls within Pakistan or Bangladesh, please fill up the name of place followed by Country as "Undivided India". COLUMNS 6, 7 AND 8: The name of Father, Mother and Spouse is to be entered in the respective columns. Surnames, if any, in these columns should be mentioned after the given names. In case the applicant is unmarried, column 8 asking for information on name of spouse may be filled as NOT APPLICABLE. COLUMNS 9 AND 10: Please give relevant details along with date since residing at the given address, telephone No. with area code is required for the purpose of contacting in case additional information or document is required by Passport Office. Mobile phone No. would be useful for sending SMS message to the applicant for the same purpose. If the period of residence given in Column 9 is less than one year on the date of application, please furnish the other addresses with duration of residence. Students staying away from their parents have the option of applying from place of study. In such cases, for proof of address, a bonafide certificate from the Principal/Director/Registrar/Dean of the educational institution is must. An additional set of PP Form is to be submitted for more than one address in last one year. COLUMN 11: Please give details of previous passport(s) held. Either the Previous Passport Number or the file number may be mentioned here along with date of issue and place of issue in the relevant boxes. In case previously applied for passport but the same was not received/issued, then the details such as file number, date applied and place where applied should be furnished here. Suppression of facts may attract penal provisions as per the section 12 of the Passports Act, 1967. COLUMN 11(a): If ever travelled on Emergency Certificate (EC) or ever deported or repatriated to India at Government cost, then the details of EC number, date and place of issue along with original seizure memorandum, place and country from where deported or repatriated should be furnished in this column. E
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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