(Act No. 19 of 1952)
4th March, 1952
An Act to provide for the institution of provident funds, pension fund and deposit-linked
insurance fund for employees in factories and other establishments.
Be it enacted by Parliament as follows:-
1. Short title, extent and application.-
(1) This Act may be called the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1952.
(2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(3) Subject to the provisions contained in section 16, it applies -
(a) to every establishment which is a factory engaged in any industry specified in Schedule I
and in which twenty or more persons are employed and
(b) to any other establishment employing twenty or more persons or class of such
establishments which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
specify, in this behalf: Provided that the Central Government may, after giving not less than
two months' notice of its intention so to do, by notification in the Official Gazette, apply the
provisions of this Act to any establishment employing such number of persons less than
twenty as may be specified in the notification.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section 3