GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY POLICE DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL DRIVING PERMIT (IDL -Permit to drive a motor vehicle in other countries) To The Director General of Police (Licensing Authority) Police Headquarters No.2, Dumas Street Pondicherry -605 001 CATEGORIES OF VEHICLES FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR A. Motor Cycles L1 and Category L2. B. Motor vehicles, other than those in Category (A) above, having a permissible maximum mass/weight not exceeding 3,500 KG (7700lb) and not more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seats in Category M1. C. Motor Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and whose permissible maximum mass/weight exceeds 3,500 KG (770 lb). D. Motor Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats in addition to the driver' seat. E. Combination of vehicles of which the driving vehicles is in a category or categories for which the driver is licensed (B or C or D), but which are not themselves in that category or categories: PARTICULARS TO BE FURNISHED BY APPLICANT 1. Name (Surname) (Middle Name) (First Name) Space for Passport size Photograph 2. Father's or Husband's Name 3. Place of Birth and Country (Proof to be enclosed) 4. Address (a) Present (b) Permanent 5. Date of birth (Enclose Proof) 6. Educational Qualification 7. Identification Marks (1) ........................... (2) ........................... 8. Blood Group & Rh Factor 9. Have you previously held International Driving Permit? If so, give details. 10. Particulars and date of every conviction which has been ordered to be endorsed on any driving license held by the applicant 11. Have you been disqualified for obtaining a driving license to drive? If so, for what reason? 12. Have you been subjected to a driving test as to your fitness or ability to drive a vehicle in respect of which a driving license is applied for? If so, give the following details: Date of test Testing Authority Result of Test (1) (2) (3) (4) 13. I enclose three copies of my recent passport size photograph. 14. I enclose the copy of driving license No. dated issued by valid up to 15. I enclose a medical certificate in Form 1A. 16. I have paid the fee of Rs. I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Signature / thumb impression of Applicant Enclosures: A. Xerox copy of the following documents to be enclosed: 1. Indian Passport, 2. Driving License, 3. Visa, 4. Air Ticket, 5. Ration Card, 6. Voters ID Card, 7. Medical Certificate, 8. License Rules of the country proposed to visit. B. Three copies of the filled in application along with 6 passport size photos shall be submitted in the office of Secretary to DGP, well in advance. C. If any person belong to U.T. of Puducherry / Indian National who have gone for other countries on work permit etc. and stayed more than 15 days, shall produce Non-Conviction Certificate in respect of the country where they engaged as Residents / workers / Contract Workers for applying this International Driving License. D. ** Strike out whichever is inapplicable.