APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE UNDER SECTION 8 OF THE HINDU MARRIAGES ACT, 1955 (Central Act-25 of 1955) 1. NAME & PARENTAGE OF THE PARTIES HUSBAND ......................................... FATHER'S NAME ............................ WIFE ................................................... 2. AGE/DATE OF BIRTH FATHER'S NAME ............................ HUSBAND ......................................... WIFE ................................................... 3. PERMANENT DWEILLING PLACE, IF ANY. HUSBAND ......................................... WIFE ................................................... 4. PRESENT DWELLING PLACE HUSBAND ......................................... WIFE ................................................... 5. RELATION OF ANY PARTIES BEFORE MARRIAGE .................................................................................................... 6. A Hindu Marriage was solemnised between .................................and Smt...................... (Name of the Husband) (Wife) ................on ......... .. at ................ (date) (place) According with out customary rites and environment and we declare that we have been living together as husband and wife ever since the date noted above. 7. We hereby declare that: (i) Neither of us had a spouse living at the time of Marriage. (ii) Neither of us is an idiot or a lunatic at the time of Marriage. (iii) Both of us had completed the age of Eighteen Years .............. .. and husband had completed the aged of Twentyone ............. .. the wife had completed the age of Eighteen years at the time of marriage and the consent of the guardians of the wife, viz. ...................... hereunder the name and parentage and relationship of the guardians had been obtained for the marriage. (iv) We are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship according to the custom of usage having the force of law governing each of us/Marriage between us is permitted though we are within the degrees of prohibited relationship. (v) We are not sapindas of each other. 8. Marital status at the time of marriage of the parties. Husband ............................ Wife ................................... NOTE:- Score out whichever is not applicable. We also declare that the above particulars are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Signature .......................................... (Husband) Station.......................... Signature .......................................... Dated............................ (Wife)