81[FORM 24-C [See Rule 85-B] Application for the grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale 81a[or for distribution] of Homoeopathic medicines or a licence to manufacture potentised preparations from back potencies preparation by licensees holding licence in Form 20-C 81b[l. I/we........ of........ holder of licence No........ in Form 20-C hereby apply for grant/renewal of licence to manufacture the under mentioned Homoeopathic Mother Tincture/Potentised and other preparations on the premises situated at ........ Names of the Homoeopathic preparations ................................................................ .................................... ................................................................. ..................................................... (Each item to be separately specified).] 2. Names, qualifications and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture and testing of Homoeopathic medicines. 3. A fee of rupees ........ has been credited to Government under head of account........ Date........ Signature........ Note 1. Delete whichever portion is not applicable. 2. The application should be accompanied by a plan of the premises.